EU flag Erasmus vect POS rit

The VIU Erasmus+ Mobility Consortium has successfully renewed its accreditation which was first awarded in 2017. VIU's new member university, Università Milano-Bicocca, has also joined the E+ Consortium.

Students and professors attending VIU programs from countries participating in the Erasmus+ program can receive travel and individual support grants when participating in VIU academic programs.

The VIU Consortium will manage €200K of funding in the following projects:  

KA171 - Partner Countries
Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds
Project Code: 2022-1-IT02-KA171-HED-000071925
Total Fund:  € 192,150.00
Project end: 31/07/2025
- European University at St. Petersburg  > Italian member universities, and vice versa: € 64,280 
- Stellenbosch University  > Italian member universities, and vice versa:  € 127,870
KA131 - Programme Countries
Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by internal policy funds
Project code: 2022-1-IT02-KA131-HED-000068420 
Total Fund: € 11,724.00
Project end:  31/07/2024

- Ludwig Maximilians Universitaet 
- KU Leuven 
- Université de Bordeaux 
- University of Ljubljana 


VIU Mobility Consortium Accreditation 2017-2020: 
N. 2017-1-IT02-KA108-36012

VIU Mobility Consortium Accreditation 2021-2027:
N. 2022-1-IT02-KA130-HED-000068577 


 Programma erasmus payoff ENG

At Erasmus+ we all have different beginnings.
Filled with worries, dreams and hidden possibilities,
That we turn into endless opportunities
And entirely new beginnings.

Beginnings of boundless cultural enrichment,
Unforgettable learning experiences,
And unique chances to work together.

Beginnings of unexpected friendships,
impactful exchanges
And once-in-a-lifetime memories.

Beginnings that are creating new paths
Towards an inclusive, greener and digital Europe.

Here, no matter how you begin,
you will go further than you thought.

Enriching lives, opening minds

Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. It has an estimated budget of €26.2 billion for 2021-2027. (Up from €14.7 billion for 2014-2020) and will provide more mobility and cooperation opportunities than ever before. 

The 2021-2027 programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life. It supports priorities and activities set out in the European Education Area, Digital Education Action Plan and the European Skills Agenda. The programme also supports the European Pillar of Social Rights, implements the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, and develops the European dimension in sport.

VIU and Erasmus+

The funding received by the Mobility Consortium from the Erasmus+ programme is an important resource in support of the following objectives: 
  • To organize and manage high-quality joint academic programmes at VIU, for incoming mobility participants, and for “internationalization at home” participants from Italian HEIs.
  • To organize and manage a limited number of outgoing mobility opportunities as a second phase opportunity, following participation in joint activities at VIU.
  • To further the goals of the internationalization strategies of the participating universities.
  • To intensify and diversify existing cooperation among the Italian HEIs in the mobility consortium, and the VIU members in programme and partner countries.
  • To attract excellent students and professors from VIU member universities in programme countries, while promoting Italy and the European Research Area as destinations for education and research excellence. 
  • To increase the diversity of students participating in joint academic programmes at VIU, especially those with fewer opportunities thanks to the availability of E+ mobility grants.


  • Mobility for studies – incoming in GP semesters
  • Mobility for studies – outgoing following participation in GP
  • Staff mobility – incoming/outgoing for Research Development following Intensive Graduate Activities
  • Short mobility bachelor and masters students – incoming Summer Sessions
  • Short mobility doctoral students – incoming Intensive Graduate Activities
  • Short mobility doctoral students – outgoing following Intensive Graduate Activities
  • Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) - Intensive Graduate Activities that meet the criteria for BIPs may be supported by E+ funding 

Erasmus+ funding is used as a co-funding instrument of VIU's Intensive Graduate Activities. 

To request information on these actions, write to

External Links: 

European Commission Erasmus+ Website 

Italian Erasmus+ National Agency INDIRE (Higher Education)

Europass Mobility

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