In order to connect to the VIU network (be it by wifi or by wired connection), you must refer to the staff for permission.
Regular students and professors will automatically be assigned the necessary credentials upon their arrival on the island.
Participants of seminars and conferences will be informed by the respective organizers.


The two main wifi networks that can be used by all our guests are:

  • "VIUGUEST" - a captive-portal based network. Your credentials will be asked only upon loading an HTTP (not HTTPS) web page. Some clients will recognize this mechanism automatically, asking your credentials; with others you must open your web browser and load an HTTP web page manually
  • "VIU" - a 802.1X / EAP based network. Your credentials will be asked upon connecting to the wifi network itself. For clients unable to recognize automatically the configuration, the required parameters are: method PEAP; phase 2 authentication MSCHAPV2; anonymous identity empty; trust certificate on first use or ignore all certificates (or CA).



The UAP (Acceptable Use Policy) is based on that of the GARR Consortium, to which VIU belongs:


The "EDUROAM" wifi network will become available during the course of 2017.

The network services available will be as follows:

  • IPSec VPN: protocol IP 50 (ESP) and 51 (AH) (IN/OUT) and UDP/500 (IKE)
  • OpenVPN: UDP/1194
  • IPv6 Tunnel Broker service: protocol IP 41 (IN/OUT)
  • IPsec NAT-Traversal: UDP/4500
  • Cisco IPSec VPN over TCP: TCP/10000 OUT
  • PPTP VPN: protocol IP 47 (GRE) (IN/OUT) and TCP/1723 OUT
  • SSH: TCP/22 OUT
  • HTTP and HTTPS: TCP/80 and TCP/443 OUT
  • IMAP4 and IMAPS: TCP/143 and TCP/993 OUT
  • IMAP3: TCP/220 OUT
  • POP3 and POP3S: TCP/110 and TCP/995 OUT
  • (S)FTP passive: TCP/21 OUT
  • SMTPS: TCP/465 OUT
  • SMTP submission via STARTTLS: TCP/587 OUT
  • RDP: TCP/3389 OUT


In the city of Venice

Moreover, in Venice there is a network of 200 free Wi-Fi hotspots for residents and holders of the Venezia Unica Card (the monthly vaporetto pass).

To register for the service click here:
See the coverage map here:

Visitors who do not hold a Venezia Unica Card can purchase Wi-Fi time. Info here: