Relevant projects carried out in Sustainable Logistics
DISCO - Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimized urban freight meta model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Lab (2023/2026)
DISCO project is financed by the Horizon Europe Program. It aims at fast-tracking upscaling to a new generation of urban logistics and smart planning; enabling the transition to decarbonised and digital cities, delivering innovative frameworks and tools, and changing the Urban Logistics and Planning paradigm
VIU Summer School on Advanced Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (June 19-23, 2022)
The Summer school “Advanced Transportation, Logistics and Supply chain management Program - Aligning market needs with integrated transportation, logistics and land-use planning: a unified approach” is organized by Venice International University together with University of Naples Federico II.
SUSPORT: Sustainable Ports (2019/2023)
Sustainable Ports is a strategic project funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Program.
Priority Axis: Maritime transport; Specific object: Improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality in the Program area.
SPROUT: Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition (2019/2023)
Financed by the H2020 Program. The project provides a new city-led innovative and data driven policy response to address the impacts of the emerging mobility patterns, digitally-enabled operating & business models, and transport users’ needs.
VIU Summer School on Advanced Transportation, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (from June 27th to July 2nd 2022)
The Summer school “Advanced Transportation, Logistics and Supply chain management Program - Aligning market needs with integrated transportation, logistics and land-use planning: a unified approach” is organized by Venice International University together with University of Naples Federico II.
- ICARUS: Intermodal Connections in Adriatic-Ionian Region to Upgrowth Seamless solutions for passenger (2019/2022)
The project is cofinanced by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Program. The program specific objective is to improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality in the Program area. The project will improve passenger intermodal transport connections and eases coast –hinterland sustainable accessibility to promote car-independent lifestyles".
- PROMARES: Promoting maritime and multimodal freight transport in the Adriatic Sea (2019/2022)
The project is cofinanced by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme. The program specific objective is to improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality in the Program area. The project will implement and develop coordinated strategies and pilot actions so as to apply the concept of "port clustering".
- VIU PhD Academy: Mobility challenges for future society (2019)
Mobility these days refers not only to a physical movement but also to the mobility of ideas and images. For the cities, especially the historical urban context, mobility is the topic in which public administrations face many of the challenges of the future society, such as equity, inclusion, sustainability, energy efficiency. This PhD Academy aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issues related to the challenges of mobility in the future society.
- Transpogood Project (2018/2019):
Regional Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto appointed TeDIS to carry on the work package n.5 of the project: “guidelines and requirements for migrating to the Transpogood platform“; activity n. 5.1 “roadmap and forum discussion” and activity n.5.2 “impact on the private and public sector”. Transpogood is a project financed by the Italy-Croatia Program.
- SUPAIR: Sustainable Ports in the Adriatic-Ionian Region (2017/2019)
It is a project cofinanced by the Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020.
Ports are core nodes for multimodal transport in the Adriatic-Ionian basin and strategic key drivers for economic growth: reducing negative environmental impacts is essential for a sustainable development of the area. The project goal is the reduction of emissions from shipping and on-shore port operations, enhancing port authorities’ capacity to plan and implement low-carbon and multimodal transport and mobility solutions.
- Peripheral Access: Transnational cooperation and partnership for better public transport in peripheral and cross-border regions (2017/2020)
It is a project cofinanced by Central Europe Program. Peripheral Access improves mobility in specifically peripheral areas such as rural, remotely located or border regions. This is crucial as 93% of the EU territories are peripheral areas. The project will analyse this situation in detail and implement innovative pilot actions.
- Novelog: New Cooperative Business Model and Guidance for Sustainable City Logistics (2015/2018)
It was a project cofinanced by H2020 Programme. The scope of the project was to enable the knowledge and understanding of freight distribution and service trips by providing guidance for implementing effective and sustainable policies and measures. This guidance supports the choice of applicable solutions for urban freight and transport services, and facilitates stakeholders collaboration and the development, field testing and transfer of the best governance and business models.
- Sus Freight: Sustainable Freight Transport (2013/2014)
It was a project co-financed by the Alpine Space Program. SusFreight aimed at addressing the environmental problems related to transports through the natural bottleneck represented by the regions composing the Alpine Space geographical area.
- ACROSSEE: Accessibility improved at border Crossings for the integration of South East Europe (2012/2014)
It was a project co-financed by the Transnational Cooperation Programme "South-East Europe", working in line with the new EU TEN-T Guidelines and aiming at improving cross-border accessibility in the South -East Europe Area. This objective was reached by promoting optimization of the existing network and extending the EU transport network model to the Western Balkans.
- Adria A: Accessibility and development of the Adriatic sea (2010/2014)
The project was cofinanced by Interreg Italia Slovenia Program and studied the metropolitan area between the Italian and Slovenian border, thanks to the integration of Slovenia in the Shengen area. The integration between the two areas in one macro area allows citizens and territory to augment its level of fruition. The idea was to link together by a a railway ring the urban areas of Trieste and Capodistria, the port of Gorizia and Nova Gorica, the airports of Venice, Ronchi dei Legionari and Lubiana. The governance of this transnational territorial system requires an institutional network able to work together as a whole territorial system.
- EURIDICE: European Inter-Disciplinary Research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, Safe and Environment-friendly Logistics (2008/2013)
The project was co-financed by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration".
The prjoject developed the concepts, technological solutions and business models to establish an advanced information services for freight transportation in Europe. The project is built on the Intelligent Cargo concept, defined by the following vision statement:
“In three years time, most of the goods flowing through European freight corridors will be ‘intelligent’, i.e.:
self-aware, context-aware and connected through a global telecommunication network to support a wide
range of information services for logistic operators, industrial users and public authorities.”
- TRIM: Transport Infrastructure Monitoring (2008/2011)
The project was co-financed by the Interreg IV Italy Austria, European territorial cooperation 2007/2013.
The main objective was to guarantee the accessibility and reach the green goals through:
- improve traffic informatics infrastructure for the long term street management planning
- harmonize the structure of the graphic street signs contentsto better manage the traffic and the management of the street security.
- improve the transfer of information and the clearness of regulation for the better usage of graphics and infrastructure.
Lead partner: Government of Carinthia
Partners: Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Regione del Veneto Unità Complessa Logistica, Venice International University
- I_LOG: Industrial Logistics (2005/2006)
The project was cofinanced for the 50% by the European Commission through the Interreg IIIB CADSES funds and for the other 50 % from the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation.
The lead partner was the Veneto Region.
Venice International University won a call for tender of the Veneto Region to implementat three logistic pilot projects in collaboration with three industrial districts of the North East of Italy, namely, Montebelluna: wood and furniture district, Treviso textile district, Verona marble district.
The project provided local SMEs with innovative tools to sustain their competitiveness and the reducing traffic congestions.