The aim of the creation of the role of VIU fellow is to foster and widen cooperation and exchange of ideas and knowledge within the VIU network that not only involves the Member Universities, but Universities and Institutions with which VIU has established a long-term collaboration.
- Any full Professor from VIU Member Universities (or former Member Universities) who has already taught at VIU for at least one semester in her/his academic career
- Full Professors from Universities that are not within the VIU Consortium with whom VIU already has joint research activities in progress or is developing new activities on the themes addressed by VIU agenda (sustainable development, climate change, ageing, urban growth, global ethics, cultural heritage, Italian and Venetian studies)
- Professors of VIU Member Universities can simply apply through their University representative in the Academic Council. Candidacies will be evaluated and approved by the AC
- Professors from non-member Universities must be nominated by two existing fellows or members of the AC who know the applicant professionally. Candidacies will be evaluated and approved by the AC.
Benefits to applicants
- Permanent access to VIU facilities (library, Mac Lab, PC room, offices)
- Possibility of joining VIU academic activities (lectures, seminars, summer schools, intensive programs, European projects, …)
- Possibility of teaching courses within the VIU Globalization Program (subject to approval by the AC)
- Linkages with the partner Universities.
Benefits to VIU
- Enlarging the pool of potential professors for courses and extra-curricular activities
- Making VIU known to a wider audience
- Relying on a wider pool of professors in order to carry out supervision of thesis and projects by the students.
VIU Fellows
nominated by the Academic Council of Venice International University:
- Dr Marco Bettiol, University of Padova
- Prof. Nili Cohen, Tel Aviv University
- Prof. Giancarlo Corò, Ca’ Foscari University
- Dr Luca De Pietro, University of Padova
- Prof. Giorgio Gianighian, Università Iuav di Venezia
- Prof. Frank Heidemann, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
- Prof. Arturo Lorenzoni, University of Padova
- Prof. Marco Mazzarino, Università Iuav di Venezia
- Prof. Ulrich Metschl, Ludwig Maximilians Universität
- Prof. Paola Modesti, Università degli Studi di Trieste
- Prof. Massimiliano Montini, University of Siena
- Prof. Lluís Quintana Trias, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Prof. Enzo Rullani, Ca’ Foscari University
- Prof. Sonia Silvestri, Nicholas School of Environement, Duke University
- Prof. Margherita Turvani, Università Iuav di Venezia
- Prof. Mario Volpe, Ca’ Foscari University