Workshop of QUEST Advisors and Stakeholders
Monday, September 30, 2019, 4 - 6 pm
Venice International University, Isola di San Servolo, Venezia
We start from the assumption that there is an increasing need for communication of research findings to different publics outside universities and research institutions. In this workshop we will share views and experiences on how these organizations could incentivize, promote, and at the same time ensure a quality and professional communication of their scientific findings. What should they expect from their staff and scientists in terms of communication? On the other hand, what scientists should ask from their institutions, in supporting their needs and will to reach out to the broader public? Are there positive models that could help institutions to improve communication by their staff?
We will address these and other questions in a moderated discussion among professionals with different backgrounds, but still sharing an expertise on dialoguing with the public. At the end of this workshop we hope to distill a set of recommendations for research institutions.
Such recommendations should help them in designing or improving their staff’s communication actions.
Brian Trench (PCST President), Ignazio Musu (Venice International University), Ana Godinho (CERN), Vincenzo Napolano (INFN-Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare), Rebecca Asher (Sense about Science), Enrico Balli (SISSA MediaLab), Jan Dries (University of Antwerp, EUPRIO-European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education), Christine Legrand (CPE Lyon, EUPRIO), Gian-Andri Casutt (ETH Zürich, EUPRIO), Paola Scioli (AICUN-Associazione Italiana Comunicatori d’Università), Francesco Fiondella (IRI Columbia), Margot Bezzi (APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea), Neil Maiden (CITY University of London), Rebecca Wells (CITY University London), Enrico Costa (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Roberta Villa (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice), Carlo Giupponi (Venice International University), Ilda Mannino (Venice International University), Alessandra Fornetti (Venice International University), Elisa Carlotto (Venice International University).
Moderator: Jacopo Pasotti (VIU)
The Workshop is part of the activity included in WP5 of QUEST project, investigating policy and incentives that can support Science Communication within the research world.
The Workshop gathers QUEST Stakeholders, Partners and Advisory Board Members in a co-design process to reach the objectives of the project.
QUEST is a H2020 – SwafS project that aims to promote Science Communication quality from researchers to citizens.
QUEST – QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication
twitter: @quest_eu