
Ageing Research News

  • June 16-19, 2025

    4th edition of the Summer School series on The Age Criterion

    Rolling admissions open until April 27, 2025 via the VIU website | 5 places available

  • The Summer Institute provides students and early-career researchers with a multidisciplinary and rigorous understanding of the ageing process, ranging from some basic notions of the medical and epidemiological literature, to an extensive treatment of economics (pensions and retirement, ageing in society and intergenerational relationships) and of the sociological dimensions (intergenerational

  • March 7-11, 2022

    This is the seventh edition of the LIVES Winter School, the third organized by Venice International University and led by the University of Lausanne.

  • October 8 - 12, 2018

    Leading Universities
    KU Leuven (Prof. dr. Paul Schoukens and Prof. dr. Danny Pieters)
    Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata (Prof. dr. Michele Faioli)
    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Prof. dr. Ulrich Becker)

    Applications open: April 6 – June 15, 2018 via VIU website (deadline

  • June 27-30, 2023 | Bangkok Marriott Marquis Queen’s Park, Thailand

    Registration for the conference: open

  • July 11-13, 2023 | Venice International University

    Applications: open until April 26, 2023

  • The European Interdisciplinary Council on Aging (EICA), has created an ad hoc training proposal in the sector of pneumonia, which is frequent and often associated with serious complications in the elderly population.

    In addition to the epidemiological and clinical aspects, the course has opened up a discussion on the various international recommendations in the field

  • Antimicrobial resistance, which has been increasing at a disturbing rate, is now considered a threat to planetary health. Its consequences are even now being felt in the European Union. In fact, the mortality linked to antibiotic-resistant infections on the continent corresponds to approximately 33,000 deaths yearly and the economic burden of antimicrobial resistance has been estimated to be

  • On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Article 25 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU which officially recognizes “the right of the elderly to lead a life of dignity and independence and to participate in social and cultural life” (right which was not present in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights), EICA is pleased to join
  • The population of Europe is estimated to be about 508 million, and older persons (aged 65 or over) represented about 19% (an increase of 2.3% compared with 10 years earlier). In particular, three countries have the highest shares of persons aged 65 and older in the total population: Italy (21.7%), Germany (21.0%) and Greece (20.9%) The old-age dependency ratio is about 29%; as such, there are



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