August 4-29, 2025

Virtual Component: July 1- August 3

VIU will offer a Summer Session of the Globalization Program in August 2025 and has issued a Call for Lectureships. The deadline for submission of proposals is February 20, 2025. 
VIU aims to hold up to 6 courses during the month of August, with a virtual component taking place during July.

The list of courses on offer for the summer of 2025 will be published in late March.

The Globalization Program is VIU’s education program for Bachelor's and Master’s-level students in VIU’s member institutions. The program brings together talented, motivated students in a truly multicultural, international, and interdisciplinary environment. Students enjoy a powerful learning experience in which they develop their capacity for critical thinking, working across disciplines, creatively embracing new ideas.

In 2022 VIU introduced a Summer Session of the Globalization Program with the aim of extending the opportunities to study and teach at VIU. Through this opportunity, VIU will also serve the needs of those students who otherwise face barriers to participation during the semester-long programs. 

Courses will be delivered through interactive forms of tuition (seminars, discussions, presentations, etc.), to foster group work and to mix nationalities and students from different disciplines. The number of students per class may vary from 10-20.
Each course consists of 40 hours of tuition including a virtual component that will be held before the beginning of the program (July 1-August 3, 2025).
The aim of the virtual component is to facilitate interaction before and after the program and strengthen the network among the participants.
The virtual component may include online classes/presentations/discussions and asynchronous activities, facilitating collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork.


Application from students will be accepted: April 15 - May 15, 2025.

Students need to pre-register to the VIU portal to receive the login and password necessary to register for courses.
The pre-registration link will be available in a white box at the side of the pages in the Summer Session section of the VIU website.