VIU is partner of the INN Veneto – ISRE CUBE project launched with a kick off meeting held at the VEGA Park in Venice on December 14th, 2018. The initiative intends to offer an incubator for social innovation, conceived as a set of actions that not only valorize the environment and people, but also take a particular look at the weaker sections and groups of society. In this sense, it potentiates the role of ISRE as incubator of community building processes and the IUSVE CUBE building as a natural community HUB to connect communities interested in topics related to psychology, education, communication sciences and techniques and beyond.
The objective of the project is the creation and animation of a community that can develop contents and services for the target groups involved - as young students or unemployed, workers, entrepreneurs, start-up companies, citizens interested in taking part in the network and teachers, educators, experts interested in developing methodologies and contents in the field of Education. At the same time, it puts itself at their service to make them protagonists in activating ideas and initiatives, through processes of confrontation, participation and contamination with excellences operating in foreign contexts.
The project is organized in the framework of the Veneto Region's efforts to favor the return to Veneto of the so called “brain drain”, developing social and cultural innovation projects to foster employment and socio-economic growth, attracting excellences on the regional territory and promoting the birth of permanent attraction poles and opportunities for exchange between researchers and different high-skilled subjects, to generate an impact on the whole collectivity.
The core activities rotate around themes such as the development of a culture that recognizes the value of the environment and the people; the theme of the good job; the relational goods as tool of concrete choice; the promotion of social innovation among the young generations through the developing of a specific Education area. They will include:
- 3 territorial animation grants (including the kick off meeting, events on the regional territory and a Content farm on a dedicated web platform);
- 6 training interventions on values and perspectives of social innovation, business plan and digital design for the developing of sustainable and inclusive enterprises as well as content marketing for enterprises and innovative start ups;
- 6 laboratories dedicated to: integrated sustainability and social innovation; regulations, financing, branding and marketing for innovative start-ups; ageability and good job.
The possible meeting of skills and the valorization of the territory will involve important experiences from abroad, converging in specific thematic areas related to Business innovation (marketing and digital applications in tourism, healthcare, sustainable mobility and green economy and IoT and proximity technologies in additive manufacturing), dedicating for each area a return grant, a Hackathon and specialist advice).
The project is promoted and led by ISRE (Istituto Superiore Internazionale Salesiano Ricerca Educativa), UniVe, IUSVE, CISL/Corazzin Foundation.
The partnership includes a number of association of enterprises, research and dissemination centers among which are Venice International University, Confapi,Intesa Formazione, Banca Prossima, as well as FAB LABs and business incubators of the Veneto area.
ISRE CUBE is funded by the “INN Veneto - Cervelli che rientrano per il Veneto del futuro" of the Veneto Region – DGR nr. 718 del 21 Maggio 2018.
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