The VIU Program on Ageing promotes training and dissemination activities on interdisciplinary aspects of population ageing and aims to share knowledge of research results among graduate students, PhD students, post-doc researchers, professionals and population in general.
Cooperation: The VIU Ageing Program stems from the cooperation of VIU with the CNR – Aging Centre (Progetto invecchiamento) of Padua as well as with the "University of Padua” (Department of Economics and Medical School).
Mission and objectives: VIU Ageing Program is designed to further the understanding of the ageing process in an interdisciplinary perspective, referring to the various domains such as economics, health sciences and sociology, in order to meet the challenges of demographic and societal changes in Europe and in the rest of the World.
In particular the program aims to:
• Futher the understanding of the ageing process ranging from some basic notions of the medical and epidemiological literature, to an extensive treatment of economics (pensions and retirement, ageing in society and intergenerational relationships) and social sciences (role of family networks);
• Develop interdisciplinary themes concerning population ageing through research and training activities;
• Identify critical areas that affect health and social care of older people in Europe ;
• Prepare documents on the state-of-the-art of geriatric assistance within different countries, to be disseminated in Europe ;
• improve knowledge in geriatrics and economics within health and social care professionals, through the creation of interdisciplinary training initiatives.
Within the main objectives of the VIU Ageing Program is the establishment of the European Institute on Ageing on the model of the USA National Institute on Ageing (NIA). The European Interdisciplinary Council on Ageing (EICA) is the first scientific organization in Europe specifically fostering the translation and dissemination of results from ageing research to various professional groups, policy makers, advanced education programs and the general public.
Ageing Program People:
Scientific Director:
Prof. Agar Brugiavini
Program Assistant:
Giulia Longari