Sustainable Freight transport – now and tomorrow was co-financed by the Alpine Space Program under the 5th Call for Proposals. SusFreight aimed at addressing the environmental problems related to transports through the natural bottleneck represented by the economically dynamic regions composing the Alpine Space and aimed to identify and capitalise the results of the project developed within the Alpine Space Programme on sustainable freight transport in order to provide policies for the next programme.
Lead Partner:
Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen, Städtebau und Raumordnung e.V.
Austria: Development Agency of Carinthia.
Germany: Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation
Italy: Association of Chambers of Commerce of Veneto Region, Venice International University
Slovenia: Ministry of Infrastructure and Spatial Planning
Duration: 2013/2014
project website:
Several projects of the Alpine Space Programme (ASP) tackled freight transport in the Alpine Space (AS). They followed different approaches and points of view: political, socio-economic, environmental, practical etc. An initial exchange between projects was started in the Transitects project. However, putting together the approaches and their main findings with regard to political and strategic recommendations into one comprehensive picture was yet been provided.
The project aimed to identify and capitalise the results of Alpine Space sustainable freight transport projects and policies. It provided a framework on major themes of freight transport with relevance for tackling strategically in the coming decade and in particular until 2020.
The report highlighted:
_major relevant achievements relating to this framework will be put together, condensed and brought to a format of use for future strategies
_limits encountered by projects and their strategic setups will be specifically highlighted to possibly make them subject to future programme calls.
The project identified institutions and authorities that were a major key to making freight transport in the Alpine Space increasingly sustainable.
A Project Roadmaps was held to inform them on project achievements in the field of freight rail transport, and to dialogue with them for their possible involvement in future policy-making decisions.
The project also highlighted open issues and challenges regarding the future development of sustainable freight transport and its political and economic framework. The reference policies were always: the Alpine Space Programme 2007-2013, in cohesion with the Europe 2020 strategy, and referring to the expected Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020.
The above issues and challenges provided a knowledge base for targeting calls of the next the Alpine Space Programme.