VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the DISCO project financed by the Horizon Europe Program.
DISCO is the acronym for: Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimized urban freight meta model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Lab.
DISCO develops and demonstrates a federated European urban freight data space as data sharing on digital urban logistics solutions and smart tools for decision making. It will be a continental Ten-T (Trans-European Transport Network) with replicable Use Cases, built upon drivers to code transformation of urban planning and land use by an open and collaborative Data Space with a smart governance model.
The DISCO Data Space is voluntary based, improving knowledge and capacity of city authorities for dynamic integrated urban logistics planning, synchronizing real-time demand for transport & warehousing with logistics supply.
DISCO will support European urban logistics players in reducing economic, societal and technical dependence from private digital platforms owned by large global providers, magnifying the scope of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and converging to data-driven Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning (SULPs), expanding them beyond traditional urban boundaries.
The 2021 COP26 Agreement in Glasgow focused on an urgent addressing climate change challenges. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) around 40 million people in the 115 largest cities in the EU are exposed to air exceeding WHO air quality guideline values.
Congestion costs the European economy €100 billion per year, 1% of its GDP. Air pollution affects people’s health. The Urban Mobility Framework certified that greenhouse gas emissions from transport need to be drastically reduced by 2030, also calling for a harmonisation of SULPs (Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning) with SUMPs (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan).
Priorities of the EU Green Deal, as a blueprint for achievable transformational change and the EU Mission goals to reduce climate emissions by 55% by 2030 for cities to become climate-neutral by 2050, cannot be met only by vehicles decarbonisation targets. In this new transformation, some areas have become obsolete, as their space, services and accessibility no longer meet current needs.
DISCO aims at fast-tracking upscaling to a new generation of urban logistics and smart planning; enabling the transition to decarbonised and digital cities, delivering innovative frameworks and tools, and changing the Urban Logistics and Planning paradigm with a Physical Internet (PI) – led approach.
DISCO solutions are designed involving all stakeholders (e.g., cities, logistics service providers, retailers, real estate/public and private infrastructure owners, transport operators, research and technical community, civil society) together driving a paradigm change from sprawl to freight-efficient, zero-emission and nearby-delivery-based models.
DISCO is committed to pooling innovation capacity of urban logistics actors, so that the whole sector would be able to untap a huge amount of data-driven efficiency and sustainability potential, thus generating new values.
DISCO involves 48 partners from 12 countries (Italy, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Denmark Sweden, Czech Republic) including the federated community of logistics service providers, mobility and technology providers, real estate and infrastructure owners and cities supported by specialised consulting, EU associations and academics.
DISCO partners and stakeholders will co-design, deploy, demonstrate, evaluate, and replicate innovative, inclusive, hyperconnected and data-driven urban logistics and planning solutions. The resulting dynamic and optimal space reallocation, integrating urban freight within an efficiently operated network-of-networks, exploiting underused lands and assets, will include both fixed and mobile infrastructure, based on throughput demands.
VIU Role
VIU is the coordinator of the Padua Living Lab implementation: Dynamic urban space re-allocation adopting modular lockers and coordinated network in real-time with logistics service providers.
Together with VIU:
_Padua Municipality, as the Institution responsible for the SULP (Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning) development and policies, will be the host of the Lab;
_NEXT, the innovative and advanced transport system developed by Getplus Srl, using electrically powered modular vehicles, will be the technological partner.
The aim of the Living Lab is to physically develop an urban logistics network based on urban spaces, strategically allocated to micro hubs and dynamic lockers and to digitally collect real-time data as decision making tools of freight demand allocation to urban transport capacity in the last mile.
Project duration: 42 months from May 2023
Lead partner: FIT consulting Srl
Rupprecht Consult-Forschung & Beratung GMBH (DE); Nlecom Innovation Astiki mi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia (EL); PNO Innovation S.L (ES); International Data Space Association (DE); FM Logistics Iberica S.L. (ES); Akka Industry Consulting GMBH (DE); Institute for Transport and Logistics (IT); Jones Lang Lasalle SPRL (UK); Thniko Kentro Erevnas kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (EL); Lindholmen Science Park AB (SE); Kuhne Logistics University GMBH (DE); Institut de Recherche Technologique SystemX (FR); Breda University of Applied Sciences (NL); Promotion of Operational links with Integrated Services (BE); European Parking Association EPA E.V. (DE); Alliance For Logistics InnovationThrough Collaboration in Europe (BE); Erasmus Centre for Urban Port and Transport Economics B.V (NL); Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum (BE); Vlaams Instituut voor de Logistiek VZW (BE); Fundacion Zaragoza Logistics Center (ES); BE-mobile NV (BE); City of Ghent (BE); Opleidingscentrum Voor Hout en Bouw VZW (BE); Citylogin Iberica S.L. (ES); Universitat Politecnica de Catalunnya (ES); Ajuntamient de Barcelona (ES); Venice International University (IT); Getplus S.R.L (IT); Comune di Padova (IT); Valencia Port Foundation (ES); Fundacion de la Comunitat Valenciana para la Promocion estrategica, El Desarrollo y la Innovacion Urbana (ES); T-Box Delivery & Solutions SL (ES); Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza (ES); Fundacion Zaragoza Ciudad del Conocimiento (ES); Forum Virium Helsinky OY (FI); Kobenhavns Kommune (DK); Copenhagen Capital Region(DK); Comune di Piacenza (IT); Mestska Cast Praha 6 (CZ); Regional Management Nordhessen GMBH (DE); Aarhus Kommune (DK); Municipality of Thessaloniki (EL); Thessaloniki International Fair SA (EL); ACS Tachidromikes Ipiresies Monoprosopi Anonymi Emporiki Etaireia (EL); Rolan OY (FI); Asociacion Logistica Innovadora de Aragon (ES); A to B Finland OY (FI);
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This project is funded by Horizon Europe Program. |