VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of Peripheral Access: Transnational cooperation and partnership for better public transport in peripheral and cross-border regions, cofinanced by Central Europe Program.
Program priority: Cooperating on transport to better connect Central Europe.
Program objective: To improve planning and coordination of regional passenger transport system for better connections to national and European transport networks
project summary
Peripheral Access improves mobility in specifically peripheral areas such as rural, remotely located or border regions. This is crucial as 93% of the EU territories are peripheral areas (< 150 persons/km²); all facing similar but particular challenges:
- the basic service level of PT is often poor,
- the public budgets are tight,
- demographic change (fewer and older people) has negative impacts,
- high level of unsustainable, exclusive and costly private car use.
The project will analyse this situation in detail at EU and partner level, derive concrete action plans and implement innovative pilot actions in 3 fields of action representing the key success factor for sustainable mobility:
1. Multimodality & integrated transport
2. Enhanced use of Intelligent Communication Technology (ICT) &Intelligent Technology System (ITS)
3. Better cooperation through transport associations and cross-border marketing.
Concrete results such as strategies and action plans, pilot actions and trainings will benefit public transport users, planners and decision makers and will stimulate current non-users to rethink their mobility behaviour. The built-in evaluation cycle will lead to reliable outputs, making project outputs to become model solution for all peripheral areas across CE.
The project will rely on the knowledge and the professional capacity of its partners comprising public transport operators, local, regional and national institutions, as well as leading national transport research organisations. This guarantees the highest possible level of implementation and result orientation. Associated Partners such as the
Association of European border regions provide target expertise which will reduce the involvement of costly external experts to a minimum.
lead partner
Deutscher Verband für Wohnungswesen,Städtebau und Raumordnu ng e.V. (DE).
Venice International University (IT)
Zweckverband ÖPNV Vogtland (DE)
Trieste Trasporti S.P.A.(IT)
Regionalna razvojna agencija Ljubljanske urbane regije (SLO)
Közlekedést udományi Intézet Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (HU)
Gmina Miejska Lubin (PL)
Powiat Lubiński (PL)
Regionalman agement Steirischer Zentralraum GmbH (A).
36 months from June 2017
click here to:
- access the project facebook page
- access the project webpage
- see the Project Brochure
- see the VIU Factsheet