With the initiative “Saturdays for Future” (S4F), ASviS - the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development - is organizing a national day of mobilization to promote responsible production and consumption.
The initiative aims to mobilize consumers, business and civil society organizations in order to stimulate a change in their consumption styles as well as production models to promote sustainable development, as envisaged by Goal 12 of the 2030 Agenda.
The objective of the S4Fs initiative is to improve consumer habits, transforming Saturday, the day most people do their weekly shopping, into a day of awareness and concrete commitment for sustainable and responsible production and consumption.
Inspired by and closely connected to the global initiative of “Fridays for Future” and the promotion of policies against climate change, the first "Saturday for Future" will be September 28th, the day after the global student strike against climate change.
"Consuming in a conscious and responsible way means, first of all, avoiding waste, minimizing waste, recycling and responsibly choosing the products you buy, looking at the sustainability of our development model", declares the spokesman of ASviS, Enrico Giovannini. "The change of habits can trigger a virtuous process, positively affect production models and make companies more responsible and more sustainable, not only on an environmental level but also on a social level, first of all towards their employees". As ASviS President Pierluigi Stefanini recalls, "the proposal to make Saturday, the day after the climate mobilization, when more than half of people habitually spend weekly, the day in favor of environmental and social sustainability was welcomed by many subjects of Italian society. We are therefore confident about the impact that this initiative will have in the months and years to come, with concrete benefits also for the budgets of Italian families ".
To organize Saturdays for Future, ASviS launched the website www.saturdaysforfuture.it, that will monitor the events taking place all over Italy and will contain useful information and documents.
ASviS invites everyone to take part and work together for Saturdays for Future and addresses in particular:
• consumers, especially young people;
• over 230 ASviS member organizations;
• teachers;
• consumers’ associations;
• business associations and trade unions;
• companies;
• media that want to raise awareness among the general public through communication on responsible consumer and sustainable development.
Please visit www.saturdaysforfuture.it or contact saturdaysforfuture@asvis.net for detailed information.