The current circumstances that we are all experiencing due to the pandemic prevent us from celebrating this important occasion on our campus on San Servolo in Venice. Notwithstanding, in order to commemorate the anniversary, on December 4, VIU will host an online roundtable via zoom, with the participation of representatives from the member universities.
Program | December 4, 2020
(all times are UTC+1)
12.30 pm - Plenary Session:
Opening remarks
Welcome speeches
1.00 pm - Simultaneous Working Group Sessions:
Working Group #1 | New strategies for VIU: local and global expansion
Moderator: Ambassador Umberto Vattani, President of VIU
Working Group #2 | Curricular activities at VIU: future prospects in light of recent experiences
Moderator: Professor Carlo Giupponi, Dean of VIU
2.00 pm - Plenary Session:
Summary of the Working Group Sessions
Closing speeches
Participation by invitation only.
For further information:
Igor Folca-Nash
Head of Institutional Affairs
#VIU25 #VIUFuture #VIUinVenice
Congratulatory Messages
Governor of the Veneto Region - 3/12/2020 - Lettera del Presidente della Regione del Veneto Zaia
Mayor of City of Venice - 4/12/2020 - Video messaggio di congratulazioni del Sindaco Metropolitano Brugnaro
Press Release (Italian)
Comunicato Stampa 1 Dicembre 2020
Comunicato Stampa 4 Dicembre 2020
Press Review
La Nuova - 4/12/2020 - Tavola rotonda per festegggiare i 25 anni della VIU
Gazzettino Venezia - 5/12/2020 - SanServolo, gli auguri di Mattarella per il 25.
Corriere del Veneto Venezia e Mestre - 5/12/2020 - VIU compie 25 anni