If you have previously attended Globalization Program courses at VIU you are already a registered user of the VIU website. However, your profile has to be linked to the 2nd Semester of AY 2024-25 Globalization Program. Please send an email to student-services@univiu.org so that your existing username and password can be re-activated.

For problems with the pre-registration procedure please consider using a browser such as Chrome or Firefox or contact student-services@univiu.org


VIU will verify the pre-registration application and once approved you will receive your login and password by email. This is not automated and may take up to three days to process. 
If VIU staff have any questions regarding your application you will be contacted by email.
You will need this login and password later to register for courses.

Registration for courses will open on: January 15, 2025, at 3 pm

Even if you have expressed a preference for some courses when applying through your home university, you must register for courses through the VIU system to be admitted to the courses.

More information on procedures and policies about Pre-registration and Registration for Courses: Link
More information on Program Regulations: Link



please type your name as written in your passport/ID card

please type your name as written in your passport/ID card

the name under which you wish to be known as while at VIU

as written in your passport/ID card, it will not be disclosed

Please insert your Degree subject/major (eg. Art History, Political Science, Engineering, Architecture etc.)

your permanent address in your home country

- -

Please fill in your Country code - area code - local number
 e.g.: +39 - 1234 - 12345678

e.g.: +39 12312345678

Please upload your photo to be used for your VIU card. Only jpeg files will be accepted. Should be at least 300px x 380px. Max size allowed 1,5MB. File name must be your Last Name_First Name (e.g. brown_jack.jpg ) in latin characters.

Please upload a scanned copy of your passport. Only pdf files will be accepted, max size allowed 1,5MB. File name must be your Last Name_First Name ( e.g. brown_jack.pdf ) in latin characters. Students from the European Union can send a scanned copy of their National Identity Card. No other documents will be accepted. Pre-registration will not be approved unless photo and copy of passport are provided.

Your Passport/Identity Card date of issue

Your Passport/Identity Card expiry date

I declare I have read the Data Protection Notice for Students of Globalization Program and I agree that the personal data provided to Venice International University may be processed under the current regulations in place in Europe and Italy (GDPR 2016/679 and Legislative Decree no. 196/2003).

I declare I have read and agree with the IT Service Notice

I declare I have read and agree with the Use of Images notice

I declare I have read and agree with the Regulation for students of the Globalization Program


Isola di San Servolo
30133 Venice,

phone: +39 041 2719511
fax:+39 041 2719510
email: viu@univiu.org

VAT: 02928970272