June 15-30, 2024

The 52nd International Theatre Festival runs from 15-30 June 2024, directed by Stefano Ricci and Gianni Forte.

The program features daily events with the most important protagonists of the contemporary theatrical scene, along with the productions made in the context of the Biennale College Teatro, the training project aimed at young artists.

VIU students and students under 26yo can purchase tickets at the reduced price of €16 instead of €25 and subscriptions to three shows at the price of €36 instead of €60.

Self-organized groups of at least five students can purchase tickets at the further reduced price of €12 by contacting promotion@labiennale.org with email subject Biennale Teatro sconto gruppi universitari (Biennale Teatro university group discount) and specifying the university they belong to.

Please find here the full program.