Course schedule:
Friday September 17 9am -12 pm
Friday September 24 9am -12 pm
Friday October 1 9am -12 pm
Friday October 8 9am -12 pm
Starting from Monday October 11, the course will be scheduled on Monday and Tuesday at
Course description
The course is aimed at providing basic knowledge about global governance decision-making processes, institutions and core topics. The course is divided in three parts. The first part is devoted to an introduction to global politics and global decision-making which will allow the students to better understand global political affairs and global policies. Lectures 1 and 2 will illustrate the peculiarities of the global political system and will introduce the global policy cycle. Lectures 3 and 4 will focus on policy design, agenda-setting and policy formulation. Lecture 5 and 6 will focus on the main features of policy implementation in a multilevel context and on the various modes of global policy evaluation.
The second part of the course is devoted more specifically to the international organizations and actors involved in global governance and the policies and means through which they (try to) influence national decisionmakers. Lecture 7 explores the meaning of governance at the global level by placing particular attention to the different understandings of the relation of global institutions with national governments. Lectures 8 and 9 are devoted to selected International Organizations (IOs), thereby analysing their structure, functioning and the key question of whom wields power within them. Lecture 10 explores transnational governance networks, which have arisen in many areas as a more flexible alternative to traditional IOs. Lecture 11 presents – due to its importance for our geographical area – the EU as a regional and global actor. Lectures 12 to 14 present three case studies on the influence exerted by, respectively, IOs (the drive towards pension privatization), transnational governance networks (the shock therapy vs gradualism debate) and the EU (its role in the 5th enlargement).
The third and last part of the course critically addresses a series of major themes which characterise and challenge current international politics, discussing both key developments and how different actors and institutions - from intergovernmental to non-governmental - contribute shaping the current global political agendas on these matters. Lectures 15 and 16 are devoted to introducing the challenges for maintaining international peace and security, focusing in particular on the role of UN Security Council in authorising international peace missions and on the ongoing efforts to reform this organism.
While still addressing issues of international peace and security, lectures 17 and 18 focus specifically on the concept and problematic application of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ doctrine, which the international community started developing in the early 2000s to define what is expected by states and by the international community in response to atrocity crimes. Lectures 19 and 20 discuss the broader process of human rights promotion and protection, looking at both the politics behind the setting of international human rights standards and norms and their international monitoring. Lectures 21 and 22 are devoted to the evolution of global development policy, with a particular focus on current human-centred approached to development, and to an analysis of the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Lectures 23 and 24 address bilateral international cooperation via a discussion of the process of foreign-policy making. A specific attention is devoted to the sui generis case of the European Union foreign policy, with a case-study on its long-standing and often inconsistent Mediterranean policy.
Evaluation methods
40% oral presentations
60% research paper to be submitted at the end of the course (3,000 words on a selected topic, approved by one of the instructors)
Detailed syllabus and bibliography
All the readings are compulsory except for those marked with * - which are suggested readings.
Lecture 1
Understanding global governance and politics
Castells, M. (2005). Global governance and global politics, PS: Political Science & Politics, 38(1): 9-16.
Wullwuber, J. (2018). Constructing Hegemony in Global Politics. A Discourse-Theoretical Approach to Policy Analysis, Administrative Theory & Praxis, 41(2): 148-167.
Parry, K. (2011). Images of Liberation? Visual Framing, humanitarianism and British press photography during the 2003 Iraq invasion, Media, Culture & Society, 33(8): 1185-1201.
Lecture 2
Understanding global decision-making: Globalization vs. Europeanization?
Graziano, P. (2003). Europeanization or Globalization? A Framework for Empirical Research (with some evidence from the Italian Case), Global Social Policy, 3(2): 173-184.
Ladi, S. (2006). Globalization and Europeanization: Analyzing Change, IBEI Working Papers, 4/2006.
Lecture 3
The global policy cycle and policy design
Howlett, M. (2017). The criteria for effective policy design: character and context in policy instrument choice, Journal of Asian Public Policy, 11(3): 245-266.
Daviter, F. (2019). Policy Analysis in the face of complexity: What kind of knowledge to tackle wicked problems?, Public Policy and Administration, 34(1): 62-82.
van Buuren, A., Lewis, J. M., Peters, B. G. & Voorberg, W. (2020). Improving public policy and administration: exploring the potential of design. Policy and Politics: an international journal, 48(1): 3-19
Lecture 4
Global agenda setting and policy formulation
Guo, L. and Vargo, C.J. (2017), Global Intermedia Agenda Setting: A Big Data Analysis of International News Flow, Journal of Communication, 67(4): 499-520. Gneiting, U. (2016), From global agenda-setting to domestic implementation: successes and challenges of the global health network on tobacco control, Health Policy Plan, 31(Suppl. 1): 74-86.
Lecture 5:
Global policy adoption and policy implementation
Jeddi Yeganeh, A., McCoy, A.P. and Schenk, T. (2020), Determinants of climate change policy adoption: A meta-analysis, Urban Climate, 31:
Croese, S., Oloko, M., Simon, D. and Valencia, S. C. (2021), Bringing the Global to the Local: the challenges of multi-level governance for global policy implementation in Africa, International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, online first.
Lecture 6:
Global policy evaluation
DeGroff, A., & Cargo, M. (2009). Policy implementation: Implications for evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 124: 47–60.
Schoenefeld, J. and Jordan, A. (2017). Governing Policy Evaluation? Towards a New Typology, Evaluation, 23(3): 274-293.
Lecture 7
The Concept of Global Governance
Mearsheimer, J.J. (1994). The False Promise of International Institutions. International Security 19(3): 5–49.
Weiss, T.G. (2016). Global Governance: Why? What? Whither? Cambridge: Polity Press.
Lecture 8 and lecture 9
International Organizations
Barnett, M.N. and Finnemore, M. (1999). The Politics, Power, and Pathologies of International Organizations. International Organization 53(4): 699–732.
Guzman, A. (2013). International Organizations and the Frankenstein Problem. European Journal of International Law 24(4): 999–1025.
*Mingst, K., Karns, M.P. and Lyon, A. (2016). The United Nations in the 21st Century (5th edition.). Boulder, CO: Routledge.
Putnam, R.D. (1988). Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games. International Organization 42(3): 427–460.
Lecture 10
Transnational Governance Networks
*Slaughter, A.-M. (2004). A New World Order. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Keck, M.E. and Sikkink, K. (1998). Activists beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Tallberg, J., Sommerer, T., Squatrito, T. and Jönsson, C. (2014). Explaining the Transnational Design of International Organizations. International Organization 68(4): 741–774.
Lecture 11
The European Union
Bretherton, C. and Vogler, J. (2014). The European Union as a Global Actor (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.
Scharpf, F.W. (2003). Problem-Solving Effectiveness and Democratic Accountability in the EU (Working Paper No. 03/1). MPIfG Working Paper.
Lecture 12
Case study 1: IOs and Pension Privatization
*Appel, H. and Orenstein, M.A. (2013). Ideas Versus Resources: Explaining the Flat Tax and Pension Privatization Revolutions in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union. Comparative Political Studies 46(2): 123–152.
Appel, H. and Orenstein, M.A. (2016). Why did Neoliberalism Triumph and Endure in the Post-Communist World? Comparative Politics 48(3): 313–331.
*Orenstein, M.A. (2011). Pension privatization in crisis: Death or rebirth of a global policy trend? International Social Security Review 64(3): 65–80.
Orenstein, M.A. (2013). Pension Privatization: Evolution of a Paradigm. Governance 26(2): 259–281.
Lecture 13
Case study 2: TGNs and the Post-Socialist Transition
Hellman, J. S. (1998). Winners Take All: The Politics of Partial Reform in Postcommunist Transitions. World Politics 50 (2): 203-234.
*Roland, G. (2002). The Political Economy of Transition. Journal of Economic Perspectives 16 (1): 29-50.
Stark, D., and L. Bruszt. (2001). One Way or Multiple Paths: For a Comparative Sociology of East European Capitalism. American Journal of Sociology 106 (4): 1129-1137.
Lecture 14
Case study 3: The EU and Its 5th Enlargement
Barnes, I., and P. Barnes. (2010). Enlargement. In European Union Politics, 3rd ed., edited by M. Cini. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 418-435.
Grabbe, H. (2002). European Union Conditionality and the Acquis Communautaire. International Political Science Review 23 (3): 249-268.
*Schimmelfennig, F. (2008). EU Political Accession Conditionality after the 2004 Enlargement: Consistency and Effectiveness. Journal of European Public Policy 15 (6): 918-937.
*Sedelmeier, U. 2010. Enlargement: From Rules for Accession to Policy Towards Europe. In Policy-Making in the European Union, edited by H. Wallace, M. A. Pollack and A. R. Young. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 401-429.
Lecture 15
The Role of the UN in managing international peace and security
Moore J.A., Pubantz J. (2017). The New United Nations International Organization in the Twenty-First Century, London: Routledge - CHAPTER 5
Gledhill J., Caplan R. Meiske M. (2021). Developing peace: the evolution of development goals and activities in United Nations peacekeeping, Oxford Development Studies, 49(3): 201-229.
Lecture 16
The Reform of the Security Council
Lättilä V. & Ylönen A. (2019). United Nations Security Council Reform Revisited: A Proposal, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 30(1): 164-186.
Binder M. & Heupel M. (2021). The Intricacies of UN Security Council Reform, Survival, 63(2): 63-68.
Lecture 17
The Responsibility to Protect Doctrine
Gallagher, A. (2015). The Promise of Pillar II: analysing international assistance under the Responsibility to Protect, International Affairs 91(6): 1259–1275.
Papamichail, A. and Partis-Jennings, H. (2015). Why common humanity? Framing the responsibility to protect as a common response, International Politics, 53(1): 83-100.
Lecture 18
The Responsibility to Protect in action (Kenya and Libya)
Bellamy, A. J. (2011). Libya and the Responsibility to Protect: the Exception and the Norm, Ethics & International Affairs, 25(3): 263–269.
Junk, J. (2016). Bringing the Non-coercive Dimensions of R2P to the Fore: The Case of Kenya, Global Society, 30(1): 54-66.
Lecture 19
International Human Rights and The Politics of International Standard Setting
Donnelly, J. and Whelan, D.J. (2020). International Human Rights, New York: Westwood Press (6th edition). - CHAPTER V.
Simmons, B. (2009). Simmons, B. (2009). Simmons, B. (2009). Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Mobilizing for Human Rights. Cambridge: Cambridge Cambridge: Cambridge Cambridge: Cambridge University Press - CHAPTER II
Lecture 20
Political vs Expert Monitoring: the case of the Universal Periodic Review
Smith, R. (2013). ‘"To see Themselves as Others see Them": The Five Permanent Members of the Security Council and the Human Rights Council's Universal Periodic Review’, Human Rights Quarterly, 35(1): 1-32
Burger A., Kovac I., Tkalec S. (2021) (Geo)Politics of Universal Periodic Review: Why States Issue and Accept Human Rights Recommendations?, Foreign Policy Analysis, 17(4):
Lecture 21
The Path to the Human-Rights Based Approach to Development
Fukuda-Parr S. (2016) Human rights and politics in development, in Goodhart M. (ed.), Human Rights: Politics and Practice (3rd Edition), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 198-216.
Nelson P. Dorsey, E. (2003) At the Nexus of Human Rights and Development: New Methods and Strategies of Global NGOs, World Development, 31(12), 2013-2026.
Lecture 22
The Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development
United Nations (2016) - Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development (
Danish Institute for Human Rights (2018) Human rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Lessons learned and next steps. Denmark’s National Human Rights Institution: Copenhagen.
Lecture 23
Foreign Policy Goals and Tools
Hill, C. (2016) Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century. London: Palgrave (2nd edition) - CHAPTER 3.
Hudson, V. M. (2005), Foreign Policy Analysis: Actor-Specific Theory and the Ground of International Relations. Foreign Policy Analysis 1(1): 1-30.
Lecture 24
EU Foreign Policy in the Mediterranean
Cavatorta, F. (2018). Historical/geopolitical turning points in the modern Mediterranean. Cold War, post-Cold War and Arab spring. In R. Gillespie & F. Volpi (Eds.), Routledge handbook of Mediterranean politics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 24–36.
F. Bicchi & B. Voltolini (2013). EU Democracy Assistance in the Mediterranean: What Relationship with the Arab Uprisings?, Democracy & Security, 9(1-2): 80–99.