Projects Archive

Open Solutions for SMEs

The “Java Open Business” (JOB) was an innovative Italian project developed by SUN Microsystems Italy in cooperation with TeDIS Center. JOB aimed at increasing the knowledge and the diffusion of open source software among Italian small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

The objective of the project was twofold: to foster research on open source and its impact both within business and within IT industry, and to create a place where the business demand meets open source software supply.

The project received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration" and aimed to create the necessary concepts, technological solutions and business models to establish the most advanced information services for freight transportation in Europe. The project was built on the Intelligent Cargo concept, defined by the following vision statement:
“In three years time, most of the goods flowing through European freight corridors will be ‘intelligent’, i.e.: self-aware, context-aware and connected through a global telecommunication network to support a wide range of information services for logistic operators, industrial users and public authorities.”

Information Society strategy development for Veneto Region (2008/2010)
TeDIS supported Veneto Region in promoting and disseminating its activities and verifying the status of the art of the Veneto Region operative plan.

The project was cofinanced by the Interreg IV Italy Austria – Objective European territorial cooperation 2007 - 2013.

Main objective:  Guarantee the accessibility and reach the green goals

- improvement of the informatics infrastructure of the traffic for the long term street management planning; improvement of the status of the art graphic street signs in order to:
- harmonization  of the graphic sign contents in order to better manage the trans frontier and multi modality viability, the restoration of the infrastructure, the management of the street security.
- improvement of the the transfer of information and regulation  for the better usage of graphics and infrastructure.
- monitoring traffic security measures at each network level.

ARPAV appointed VIU_TeDIS as scientific and academic partner to support its strategies of the development of the Information System according to the so-called Guidelines “Linee Guida dalla Società dell’Informazione 2007-2010”.

A strategic plan was defined with the following objectives:
definition of the triennal strategic plan (2008/2010); definition of the annual plan; monitoring and updating of both plans according to the operative actions carried on; analysis and research of case studies, trends, benchmarking with other institution to better orient the ARPAV strategic decision to take; development and definition of  the governance model; diffusion of results; support of pilot projects and innovative actions; fund raising at a national and international level; monitoring of European call for applications.


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