Establishing a European Competence Centre for Science Communication and an associated Science Communication Academy is the goal of the COALESCE project

COALESCE wants to gather and consolidate existing science communication knowledge, resources and tools from a variety of sources, while engaging science communication stakeholders in a co-creating process as well as in validating the Competence Centre’s products for their respective needs.

To achieve this objective, COALESCE aims to build and engage Communities of knowledge and Practice in science communication (CoPs).

We invite all researchers, science-communication professionals, journalists, policymakers, citizens, industry professionals – among other actors – to be part of our community of practice, where you will have the opportunity to be engaged in mutual learning, co-creation activities, training and be part of building the future European Competence Centre for Science Communication.

Please register here in the COALESCE Communities of Practice (CoPs) so that we can actively involve you in the activities.