When well communicated, science and research offer a number of potential benefits to society. But how can we recognize valuable scientific dissemination? When is it effective? How can we promote and incentivize science communication?
QUEST - QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication is a 2-year H2020 project funded with € 1.2 million by the EU Commission within the SwafS action - Science with and for Society.
VIU, through its TEN Program on Sustainability, is Coordinator of a consortium of 8 partners which include Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), City University of London (CITY), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE), Tallinn University (TLU), WAN-IFRA FR, Trinity College Dublin-Science Gallery (TCD), Agency for the Promotion of European Research (APRE).
The project is endorsed by research institutions (CERN, INFN), media (BBC), science journalism associations (AJSPI, BNSJ, WCSJ 2019), science communication associations (SciCo, Sense about Science, EUPRIO) and private companies (Alcantara Spa, NOI Spa) that will act as stakeholders.
QUEST kicked off on Febrary 4-5, 2019 at Venice International University.
Journalism, Social Media & Museums | Climate Change, Vaccines & Artificial Intelligence
During the 2-year project researchers and experts from the QUEST consortium investigate science communication in three strands - journalism, social media, museums - through three case studies: Climate Change, Vaccines, and Artificial Intelligence. The final aim is to take stock of science communication today, to define quality criteria, to provide supporting tools for journalists, social media managers and museums facilitators, in order to ultimately offer citizens effective and reliable communication on scientific topics that generally have a significant impact on their daily lives, such as those selected as case studies.
VIU as Lead Partner
As Lead Partner, VIU is responsible for the overall project coordination and management as well as its scientific direction. The QUEST consortium brings together science communication researchers, editors, communicators, journalists and science journalists, digital creativity and data science experts, environmental scientists, along with a number of companies, associations and prestigious research institutions that form a first group of key Stakeholders. The markedly multi-disciplinary approach required in this project is largely satisfied by VIU’s capacity to put together a consortium that draws on a variety of backgrounds, disciplines and roles.
To stay updated, please visit the project website and subscribe to the Newsletter at https://questproject.eu/
Contacts and info:
Alessandra Fornetti, QUEST Coordinator
Venice International University
Isola di San Servolo
30133 Venice
T +39 041 2719511
F +39 041 2719510
E alessandra.fornetti@univiu.org
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No. 824634