This course will explore the increasingly connected world of the nineteenth century through an examination of the colonial, semi-colonial, and treaty port enclaves of South Asia and East Asia and their connections to the Euro-American maritime world. While the scope of the class will be global, the major focus will be on Bombay, Shanghai, London, and Yokohama. We will also explore the port of Venice and its history. Students will explore the histories of individual ports, and they will also explore the complex connections created by the movement of goods, people and ideas. Through the lens of the port cities, students will explore fundamental questions such as:
Goals of the class:
Teaching method
There will be weekly assigned readings (about 30 pages per week), which students are expected to read and discuss.
Based on on-site fieldwork, each student will prepare a brief, multimedia presentation on the port of Venice.
Using a diary, letters, newspaper, yearbook, or collection of images (must be contextualized), each student will prepare a report relating a primary source to one or more of the themes in the class. Primary sources and links will be available on the class web site, or students can find their own sources.
Using sources available on the internet, via their home university libraries, and on the course web site, each student will prepare a research project on a port city of her or his choice. Research papers will use both primary and secondary sources. Format may be paper- or web-based.
Grades will be based on the following:
Syllabus & Readings
Week One: Week of February 26. Overview
Class 1:
Image of the Day
Discussion: Port cities we have known
Class 2:
Image of the Day
Reading and Discussion: Jürgen Osterhammel, The Transformation of the World: A Global History of the Nineteenth Century, extract from Chapter 6 (“Cities”), pages 275-297
Lecture and Discussion: Overview
Week 2: Week of March 5. The Treaty Port System
Class 3:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Treaty of Nanking, 1843. Read the treaty (p.3597-9), glance through the rest.
Secondary Source: Bickers, Robert A., and Isabella Jackson, eds. “Introduction” in Treaty Ports in Modern China: Law, Land and Power. London: Routledge, 2016, p.1-18
Optional additional reading:
Class 4:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Treaty between the United States of America and the Japanese Empire (p.1-10)
Lecture and Discussion: The Treaty Port System
Week 3: Week of March 12. Merchants and Adventurers
Class 5:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Bombay, 1873 Guide
Secondary Source: Dwijendra Tripathi, “The Tatas” in Business Houses in Western India, p.55-72
Optional additional readings
Class 6:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Hall, F. (1992). Japan through American eyes : the journal of Francis Hall, Kanagawa and Yokohama, 1859-1866. Princeton N.J, Princeton University Press. July 18-August 21, 1860
Lecture and Discussion: Merchants and Adventurers
Week 4: Week of March 19. Foreign Communities
Class 7:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Clark, “Bombay Yacht Club in 1856”
Secondary Source: Pearson, “Victorian Calcutta”, in Eastern Interlude: A Social History of the European Community in Calcutta (1933), p.213-238
Optional additional reading:
Class 8:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Dyce, “My Fellow Residents” in Shanghai Reminiscences, p.39-52
Lecture and Discussion: Foreign Communities
Week 5: Week of March 26. Sojourners and Migrants
Class 9:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Clark, “The Manila Cock-Pit, in Bamboo Town” in Sketches in and Around Shanghai (1894), p.34-37
Secondary Source: Betta, C. (2000).” Marginal Westerners in Shanghai: the Baghdadi Jewish community, 1845-1931” in New frontiers: imperialism's new communities in East Asia, 1842-1953. R. Bickers and C. Henriot. Manchester, Manchester University Press: p.38-55.
Optional additional readings:
Class 10:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: “Prisons” in Statistical abstract relating to British India from 1860 to 1869 (London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1870)
Lecture and Discussion: Sojourners and Migrants
Week 6: Week of April 2
Week 7: Week of April 9. Economic Impacts
Class 11
Image of the Day
Primary Source:
Secondary Source: Bun, “Mapping the Hinterland: Treaty Ports and Regional Analysis in Modern China”, in Remapping China: Fissures in Historical Terrain, p.181-193
Optional additional reading:
Class 12
Image of the Day
Primary Source:
Lecture and Discussion: Economic Impacts
Week 8: Week of April 16. Student Presentations
Class 13
Presentations: Venice projects
Class 14
Presentations: Primary source projects
Week 9: Week of April 23. Visual Cultures
Class 15
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Japan Herald, 19th September 1863
Secondary Source: Chia-Ling Yang, “The crisis of the real: portraiture and photography in late nineteenth century Shanghai” in Jennifer Purtle and Hans Bjarne Thomson, eds. (2009). Looking modern: East Asian visual culture from treaty ports to World War II, p.20-33
Optional additional reading:
Class 16
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Bombay City Map, 1893
Lecture and Discussion: Visual Cultures
Week 10: Week of April 30. Architecture and Urban Space
Class 17:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Joseph Conrad, Chance, Chapter 1
Secondary Source: Marinelli, Maurizio. “An Italian ‘Neighborhood’ in Tianjin: Little Italy or Colonial Space?” in Goodman, B. and D. S. G. Goodman (2012), Twentieth-century colonialism and China : localities, the everyday and the world, p.92-107
Optional additional reading:
Class 18
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Ernest Satow Diary, 1862
Lecture and Discussion: Architecture and Urban Space
Week 11: Week of May 7. Hygiene and Public Health
Class 19:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: An Execution, in Jephson and Elmhurst, Our Life in Japan (1869)
Secondary Source: Rogaski, R. (2000). Hygienic Modernity in Tianjin in Remaking the Chinese City: modernity and national identity, 1900-1950. J. Esherick. Honolulu, University of Hawaiʻi Press, p.30-46.
Optional additional reading:
Class 20:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: “Camp Life” in Poyntz, Per Mare Per Terram (1892)
Lecture and Discussion: Hygiene and Public Health
Week 12: Week of May 14. Bodies, Sex, and Intimacy
Class 21:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: China Directory, Various Years
Secondary Source: Christian Henriot, “Lives of Splendor and Wretchedness” in Henriot, C. (2001). Prostitution and sexuality in Shanghai : a social history, 1849-1949. Cambridge, UK ; New York, Cambridge University Press, p.47-72
Optional additional reading:
Class 22:
Image of the Day
Primary Source: Willis, “Prostitution in Japan” (1867)
Lecture and Discussion: Bodies, Sex, and Intimacy
Week 13: Week of May 21. Student Presentations
Class 23
Presentations: Final projects
Class 24
Presentations: Final projects
Week 14: Week of May 28
Exam week
All assigned readings will be on the course web platform (Moodle).
Secondary Sources on Individual Port Cities
Marie-Claire Bergere, Shanghai: China’s Gateway to Modernity
Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Global Shanghai: A History in Fragments
Yuzo Kato, Yokohama Past and Present
Preeti Chopra, A Joint Enterprise: Indian Elites and the Making of British Bombay
Alexander Tulloch, The Story of Liverpool
Liza Picard, Victorian London
Pinki Virani, Once was Bombay
Gillian Tindall: City of Gold: The Biography of Bombay
Margaret Plant: Venice, Fragile City
R.J.B. Bosworth: Italian Venice: A History
Other resources:
Virtual Shanghai:
Visualizing Cultures:
Mumbai Pages:
The Digital South Asia Library
Old Maps of Mumbai:
Photographs of Western India:
The History of London:
Port Cities:
London Metropolitan Archives: