As some students coming to Italy must stay at home during their quarantine period, here is a useful collection of information regarding the home delivery services provided by some supermarkets and other shops:
- Despar, San Marco (located in Campo della guerra 514)
At this phone number, +39 3459260013, students can call the supermarket staff for home deliveries. When they do, they should ask if the staff can reach their home or not. In case they can, the students should write a message to them with everything they need.
Also, the supermarket staff will tell the exact cost of the groceries, and the students will have to tell them with which banknotes they are going to pay (is it, for example, 2 banknotes of 20 euros, or 1 banknote of 10 euros and 2 banknotes of 5 euros.. and so on) so that the staff can bring the exact change together with the groceries. Final step: the staff will put the change in the grocery bag.
N.B The delivery is free for expenses higher than 30€, otherwise, you have to pay 2.50€
- Crai, S.Tomà (6053, Ramo Del Campanil)
At this phone number, +39 0415645935, students can call the supermarket staff for home deliveries.
N.B The service is active only for expenses higher than 45 euros.
Moreover, on this website other useful facilities such as restaurants, bars, fruit markets etc. that continue to do home deliveries, are available. On this platform, students can choose their desired category and the place where they live (Venezia, Giudecca or Murano).