

Kemal Kilic (Sabancı University)


Course Description
This course offers a learning experience designed to equip students with essential skills and insights for success in today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape. Digital Transformation introduces a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) environment, requiring a specialized mindset and advanced exploration capabilities. The course is structured into three modules: The first module focuses on developing the right mindset to effectively navigate and adapt to transformation. The second module presents two widely used frameworks in innovation practice: Design Thinking (DT) and The Lean Startup (LS). The final module explores various key digitalization technologies enabling this transformation, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Generative AI (GenAI), Internet of Things (IoT), Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality (V/A/M R), Additive Manufacturing (AM), and Robots/Cobots (R/C).
In a VUCA environment, it is crucial to consistently refine our intuitions with data and systematically reduce uncertainties. This requires a continuous cycle of learning, unlearning, and relearning. Learning is inherently a process of change, and change can be challenging. It demands effort, consumes energy, and is often met with resistance. In the first module of the course, students will begin by exploring human learning and decision-making processes, developing an awareness of the potential flaws in their judgments, and fostering qualities such as humility. This discussion will create a sense of urgency and set the stage for out-of-the-box thinking. In this module we will cover various topics such as neuroplasticity, learning agility, responsibility, growth mindset, cognitive biases, critical thinking and creativity.
The second module will begin by introducing the concepts of creative destruction and the diffusion of innovations. Following a brief discussion on the theory of innovation management, the focus will shift to two frameworks commonly used by those who thrive in uncertainty, such as entrepreneurs and innovation teams in practice, i.e., DT and LS. Students will engage in hands-on experience with the DT process through a workshop developed by Stanford University’s d.school, known as The Wallet Project. This module will introduce a range of methods and tools from the innovator’s toolkit for validating both problems and solutions, including the Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, Jobs-to-be-Done, Brainstorming, and Prototype-to-Test.
The third and the final module will explore key digitalization technologies, including AI, GenAI, IoT, Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality (V/A/M R), Additive Manufacturing (AM), and Robotics/Cobotics (R/C). It will cover their historical evolution, current developments, and future trends, along with real-world applications, best practices in business and society, and their role in shaping new business models. Special emphasis will be placed on leveraging AI and GenAI to generate value from data and examining GenAI’s transformative impact across industries, including its ethical considerations. Tailored for a nontechnical audience, this discussion will focus on practical insights rather than theoretical details. However, students will still develop a foundational understanding of both traditional AI and GenAI, allowing them to assess the strengths and limitations of these advancing technologies.

Learning Outcomes
1. Understand human learning processes, decision making heuristics and biases, and foster critical thinking and creativity.
2. Demonstrate proficiency in developing strategies for decision-making in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments, integrating technology, data, and human-centric approaches.
3. Utilize innovation frameworks like Design Thinking and The Lean Startup to address complex challenges in uncertain environments.
4. Explore and compare the historical evolution, current applications, and emerging trends of digital transformation technologies to evaluate their impact on engineering, business, and society.

Teaching Methods
This summer course adopts an interactive, experiential learning approach, blending lectures, group discussions, group presentations and a hands-on workshop to create a dynamic environment. Each week includes two 4.5-hour face-to-face sessions, featuring multimedia-enhanced lectures, case studies, and real-world applications. Traditional presentations are complemented by interactive exercises and live demonstrations to reinforce key concepts. In the hands-on workshop, students will apply Design Thinking to real-world challenges. Group discussions and peer learning will be used to foster critical thinking and deeper engagement. By integrating practical applications and industry-relevant case studies, the course bridges theory and practice, equipping students with the mindset and skills needed for digital transformation.

Assessment Methods
Marking Scheme:
In-Class Quizzes (x8) - 40%
In-Class Exam - 30%
Final Project - 30%

In-Class Quizzes: In-class quizzes are designed to assess students' engagement with the lectures. Each of the eight 4.5-hour sessions will include a short multiple-choice quiz, with each quiz worth five points, totaling 40 points. Students will earn full points for correct answers, while incorrect responses will receive half credit.
In-Class Exam: Towards the end of the semester, an in-class exam will be conducted, featuring both multiple-choice and open-ended questions. This format will allow students to demonstrate their understanding and reflect on key topics covered throughout the course.
Final Project: For the final project, students will work in groups to explore a topic of their choice from a provided list, or a self-proposed topic approved by the instructor. They will present their findings during the last session of the semester.

• Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking fast and slow. Penguin Books, New York.
• Kotter, J. P., Kim, W. C., & Mauborgne, R. A. (2011). HBR's 10 must reads on change management (including featured article" Leading Change," by John P. Kotter). Harvard Business Press.
• Lesher, M., Gierten, D., Attrey, A., Carblanc, A., & Ferguson, S. (2019). Going digital: Shaping policies, ımproving lives.
• Lewrick, M., Link, P., & Leifer, L. (2020). The design thinking toolbox: A guide to mastering the most popular and valuable innovation methods. John Wiley & Sons.
• Merzenich, M. (2013). Soft-wired: How the new science of brain plasticity can change your life. Parnassus Publishing.
• McKinsey, (2024) The state of AI report.
• Reis, E. (2011). The lean startup. New York: Crown Business, 27, 2016-2020.
• Schwab, K. (2017). The fourth industrial revolution. Crown Currency.
• World Economic Forum. (2025). The future of jobs report 2025.

Additional readings, videos, and learning resources will be recommended by the instructor based on class discussions and students' evolving interests.

Pre-Start Virtual Component
The virtual component of the course will consist of a two-hour live online session complemented by a selection of YouTube videos for asynchronous learning.
• Live Online Session:
The primary objective of the live session is to introduce participants to the course structure, explaining the syllabus and the underlying rationale behind the topics covered. This session will provide an overview of key digitalization technologies, explore the defining characteristics of the evolving digital ecosystem, and discuss the essential mindset needed to navigate and adapt to digital transformation. Essentially, this session will serve as a foundation, setting the stage for deeper exploration throughout the course.
• Videos for the asynchronous part of the virtual component:
The asynchronous video content will introduce key concepts such as neuroplasticity, cognitive biases, the innovative mindset, decision-making under uncertainty, and leading change. The following four videos will help establish foundational awareness, ignite curiosity, and encourage students to delve deeper into these topics during the course.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNHBMFCzznE Lara Boyd, TedxVancouver Talk on Neuroplasticity (14 Minutes)
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKSts1lNZhc Daniel Kahneman, Art and Science of Decision Making (17 Minutes)
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoWxyGnFmrA Tendayi Viki, Pirates in the Navy (20 Minutes)
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2oZ2ucI1mA Guy Kawasaki, TedxPaloAltoSalon Talk on Lessons from a Life (18 Minutes)



Last updated: March 19, 2025


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30133 Venice,

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fax:+39 041 2719510
email: viu@univiu.org

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