A delegation from the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China (MEP) visited Italy on July 12-15, 2015 for a study tour on Water Pollution Prevention and Control.
The restricted group of high officials from MEP Water Department was led by Mr. Tu Ruihe, Deputy Director General of the Department of International Cooperation of MEP, for a 4-days scientific tour in Venice and Milan.
During their stay in Italy, the MEP high-level officials explored the most important issues related to water protection such as water quality assessment and pollution control, drinking water and wastewater treatment. A site visit to the paper factory Favini srl, offered the opportunity to discuss the legislation regulating water discharge in the productive sector and the advanced solutions applied by the company.
The MEP delegation also visited the EXPO exhibition in Milan to explore the links between water and food and, in general, the issue of sustainable growth. Among the many pavilions, the participants visited also the Biodiversity park, the thematic area of Expo Milano 2015 dedicated to biodiversity, promoted by the Italian Ministry of the Environment Land and Sea in collaboration with BolognaFiere and FederBio. The Biodiversity Park aims to call attention to Italy's outstanding qualities in terms of the environment, agriculture, and food production and is also a journey through the many opportunities that biodiversity and organic agriculture afford for Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.
Further details can be found in the training course agenda at the Sustainable Development Community website.
More info on the TEN Center activities can be found at this link.