Lectio Magistralis
"Why Europe is necessary"
by Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux, President of Bordeaux Métropole, former Prime Minister of France
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
at 4.45 pm, Aula Magna
Opening Remarks
Amb. Umberto Vattani, President
Prof. Carlo Giupponi, Dean
Lectio Magistralis
"Why Europe is necessary"
by Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux, President of Bordeaux Métropole, former Prime Minister of France
VIU President, Ambassador Umberto Vattani and VIU Dean, Prof. Carlo Giupponi will welcome the many students, professors and guests from VIU Members for the Spring term 2018 of the Globalization Program, focused on 'Environmental Management and Sustainable Development'.
The semester will be inaugurated with a Lectio Magistralis delivered by Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux, President of Bordeaux Métropole, former Prime Minister of France.
Friends of VIU faculty, students and staff are welcome to attend the Opening Ceremony and the welcome reception that will follow.
Vaporetto line n°20, boat from San Zaccaria at 4.30 pm.
Find at the following links Mr. Juppé's integral speech:
English version (pdf 184 KB)
French version (pdf 264 KB)