EUCLID – EU-CHINA Lever for IPM Demonstration – is an Horizon 2020 Project aimed at securing food production for the increasing worldwide population (2015-2019). EUCLID has developed sustainable production methodologies to fight pests with an Integrated Pest Management approach, to be used in European and Chinese agriculture.
A list of Policy Recommendations is produced as one of the key outcomes of the project. It stems from directly engaging and confronting with national, international and EU authorities to understand how policy can support the development of IPM measures and the uptake of IPM products in the market.
The research, carried out by Ilda Mannino and Alessandra Fornetti (VIU), in cooperation with Bruna Zolin (UNIVE), has investigated the following questions with the decision makers:
How can developers support the introduction of IPM measures in the market?
How can farmers and advisors support the adoption of IPM measures?
What can consumers do to support the demand of IPM products?
Overall, the aim is to foster sound policies for the promotion of sustainable pest management in the wider framework of Food security and safety, to the benefits of citizens and the society at large.