The fourth edition of the Venice Universities Model European Union (VeUMEU) came to an end on Saturday, November 14. Organizing this year's VeUMEU was certainly not an easy task: the two-day conference, held on November 13 and 14, 2020, was in fact meant to take place at VIU in May. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event was instead moved online. Nevertheless, it was a success, generating many instructive discussions regarding Europe's most pressing sociopolitical issues.


President of VIU, Amb. Umberto Vattani remarked during the opening ceremony: 
"I am very pleased that the 4th Edition of the simulations of the European Union is taking place again this year with the support of Venice International University, despite the difficulties of the current situation. It is a great honour for us to welcome students and professors from VIU, Ca' Foscari, Padova and other distinguished Universities. I am very grateful to our partners: the Venice Diplomatic Society, the University of Ca' Foscari - in particular Prof. Sara De Vido, the Europe Direct Office at the Venice Town Hall, in particular Dott.ssa Francesca Vianello, and the European Parliament Research Service. I was particularly pleased to listen to the opening remarks by Anthony Teasdale, Director General of EPRS. 
The European Union has grown extensively in the past years since the Treaty of Rome was signed in 1957.
For students, to become familiar with the procedures and the current issues of the EU is an exercise of great value. I hope that many of them will pursue this path and join in the future the greatest adventure of all time."

The Venice Diplomatic Society (VDS) is the student association behind most of this organizational effort: they have been organizing the VeUMEU at VIU for four years in a row now, striving to provide the best experience to all the participants - all students from various Venetian universities, while engaging with important figures working for the European Union bodies. In this regard, it is important to note that this year three policy analysts (Joanna Apap, Monika Kiss and Stefano Spinaci) from the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) also participated in the event providing their expertise and guidance to the students during the deliberations. The VeUMEU project is organized in partnership also with Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and with the support and participation of Europe Direct of the City of Venice and the European Parliament Research Service. 

The VeUMEU aimed not only at fostering students' negotiation skills but also in highlighting the importance of cooperation, as Greta Bordin - a member of the VDS - wrote in the third issue of the EUnow! newspaper, which can be read in its entirety here.

As in the previous years, the names of this edition's winners were announced during the closing ceremony.


Best Position Paper for the proposal on Sustainable finance: Finland, Gozzi Annalisa
Best Position Paper for the proposal on Work-life balance: Estonia, Segalla Gaia
Honourable Mention: Hungary, Tenani Luigi
Best Minister: Germany, Jacobi Timothy Finley
Best Position Paper for the proposal on Sustainable finance: GUE/NGL
Best Position Paper for the proposal on Work-life balance: ECR
Honourable mention: Camilla Castelanelli, Communist Party of Greece
Best faction: Greens/EFA
Best Member of the European Parliament: Ludovico Campagnolo, GUE/NGL
Best Journalist: Nare Haroutyunian


Minister of Germany, Jacobi Timothy Finley
Minister of Belgium, Emiliani Massimo
Minister of Hungary, Tenani Luigi
Falciani Ginevra, S&D
Babuscio Jacopo, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen
Luis Andres Nasser Rodriguez, Die Grünen
Khayari Omaima, La Republique En marche!