From Monday March 13, the VIU Library will be open to students and professors with the following schedule:
From Monday to Thursday, 9.15 am - 1.30 pm and 2.30 pm - 4 pm
The VIU library provides the following services:
- Reading Room - students and professors can use the rooms for book consultation during the opening hours.
- Lending books/DVDs - Before borrowing books/DVDs, students and professors can reserve them through the OPAC:
Log in with your VIU credentials - Search your book/DVD, with keyword/ title/ etc - When you find it: click on RESERVE.
You can then pick up your book/DVD at the Library.
For more information, write to
In order to extend the opening hours we are looking for students to volunteer as assistant librarians for 4-8 hours a week in the following slots: 1.30 pm-2.30 pm and 4 pm - 6 pm Monday to Thursday.
This is an opportunity to find out how a library works and to learn how to use the catalogue software but also to offer a service to the VIU community.
The duties include: loans and returns; updating the software of the library; providing information and support to the users; keeping the reading room generally tidy; stocking photocopiers with paper.
A certificate will be issued at the end of the semester.
Volunteers will be rewarded with meal vouchers (1 meal voucher per each 2 hour shift in the library).
Meal vouchers can be spent at the San Servolo Cafè, some bars and restaurants in Venice and even some supermarkets.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact VIU librarian, Francesca Scattolin, at