This year - 2021 - marks the 1600th anniversary of the foundation of Venice and the City will be celebrating with an exciting program of events organized and promoted by the local authorities, institutions and associations. Venice International University will contribute with a series of initiatives during the course of the year.
The following message was sent to the Mayor of Venice , Luigi Brugnaro, by the President of Venice International University on behalf of all the Associate Members of VIU:
Lord Mayor,
on behalf of the 19 Associate Members of Venice International University, I would like to send you our heartfelt congratulations and our very best wishes for the 1600th Anniversary of Venice and express our sense of gratitude for the generous hospitality that your City offers us.
We are very lucky to meet every year on the Island of Servolo, a dynamic island so full of life, intent on adopting the latest solutions in terms of renewable energy in view of achieving zero emissions.
Our students and professors are lucky to discover, day after day, the incomparable treasures of your City, study its glorious past, admire its monuments, visit its museums and collections, and carry out research in its archives and endless repositories.
In exchange, we feel it is our duty to give our contribution to a City that has no equal in the world and give back some of the benefits that it has provided us with for over 25 years.
We would like to offer the visitors of the Island of San Servolo our collection of Contemporary Art and a new outdoor Theatre that will be used by the Biennial on Republican Studies and will be available for concerts, plays and meetings for the City.
We also have another ambition: to create two multimedia installations that bring to life, for the visitors of San Servolo, the extraordinary history of the 60 islands of the Venice Archipelago and the mainland territories of the Serenissima.
We have launched a new initiative with the Universities of the Western Balkans, together with the City of Venice, to study the impact of climate change on cultural heritage.
We are, Lord Mayor, at your disposal: we will do everything we can to show you and your fellow citizens that we are deeply grateful to the City of Venice.
25 March 2021