The paper entitled “Experimenting with scenario-building narratives to integrate land use and transport”, published in Transport Policy Journal, followed a methodology inspired by the one used in SPROUT for the construction of the scenarios of the pilot cities. Different narratives of the future were constructed based on some “drivers” of change and through a process of interviews.
These narratives described the future of transport, mobility, and land use in 2050. They were used in several collaborative workshops in which policy-makers, transport and urban planners, and members from the public were involved, in a similar way to the SPROUT Open Innovation Community.
The objective of these workshops was the spatial representation of the scenarios, reflecting changes in land uses and transport infrastructures in a collaborative environment. The dynamics of interaction followed in the different workshops were analyzed to distill the factors that influenced the participants when they were making decisions for the construction of the scenarios.
SPROUT provides a new city-led innovative and data-driven policy response to address the impacts of the emerging mobility patterns, digitally-enabled operating and business models, and transport users’ needs.
VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the SPROUT project: Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition, financed by the H2020 Program.
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