The MUHAI project partners convened for a three-day meeting in Paris, organized by Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris at the Irish Cultural Centre, on March 14-16, 2022.
The three intense working days were very fruitful. They consisted of discussions on the current state of the project, as well as the presentation and review of the project's first major deliverables. With the goal of achieving an AI for the common good, part of the meeting was dedicated to discussions about technology and presentations about the work that has already been achieved, including a cooking robot simulation and a demonstration of applications in the medical and historical domains. Partners also showed how innovations from the MUHAI project are already finding a practical and industrial outlet in the food management industry.
The group discussed the project’s communication, dissemination, and ethics, also in view of the upcoming review with EU representatives. Advice was shared on how to further increase the project's impact on society. The meeting ended with a discussion of the annual progress report, and on the goals to achieve in the future.
For further information on the workshop and to apply, visit the dedicated page on the MUHAI Project website.
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MUHAI – Meaning and Understanding in Human-centric AI – explores a radically new approach to push the envelope of Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence technology to come to grips with meaning and understanding. The VIU TEN Program is a partner of the project and leader of Work Package 4 – Communication, Dissemination and Ethics – under the coordination of prof. Luc Steels, who is also MUHAI Scientific Coordinator.
This project has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under grant agreement No. 951846