Wednesday, October 26, 2022
4.30 pm CEST, Room 1G
Venice International University, San Servolo Island

Jane da Mosto, Executive Director of We are here Venice

The event will be held in dual mode.
Registration is required to attend the event online. 


In this talk, Jane da Mosto will present a view of the historic city and the surrounding lagoon as a unified system, together with up-to-date insight into the main challenges faced by Venice and its population. Everything is interlinked, in terms of root causes of today’s problems as well as possible – and necessary – solutions.
By describing a number of current WahV projects, she will explain how addressing issues like mitigating the effects of the climate emergency and adaptation to sea level rise at the “laboratory scale” of Venice also serves to focus attention at the global level and can provide valuable, transferable experience for many other equally vulnerable places in the world.


da mosto janeJane da Mosto is co-founder and executive director of We are here Venice, is an environmental scientist and activist based in Venice, co-founder of the non-profit association We are here Venice. Operating across many different disciplines, WahV has a mission to change the future of the city, highlighting the need to protect the lagoon and rebuild a more resilient resident population.
In 2017 she was honoured with the Osella d’Oro by the city of Venice and in 2021 she received the Fondazione Masi prize for “vision and courage”.