SPROUT team has contributed to an e-course on “data-driven approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning". 
The course has been developed by CIVITAS ELEVATE and compiles contributions from the projects HARMONY, MOMEMTUM and SPROUT. It aims at enabling local decision-makers to take data-driven approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning. 
More information on the SPROUT website  


SPROUT stands for Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition. The project kicked off in September 2019 and will be running until Fenruary 2023.
The project consortium is led by the Zaragoza Logistics Center and brings together 29 partners from 15 countries including local and regional authorities, international organisations, transport authorities, and research institutes.

SPROUT provides a new city-led innovative and data-driven policy response to address the impacts of the emerging mobility patterns, digitally-enabled operating and business models, and transport users’ needs.

VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the SPROUT project that is financed by the H2020 Program.

Project Website: www.sprout-civitas.eu
Social Media Channels:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/H2020_SPROUT
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/h2020-sprout/
ouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSSNRoEw18k&t=503s
