March 8, 2023
On the occasion of International Women's Day, we are pleased to introduce you to the amazing women teaching this semester at VIU in the Globalization Program!
Their research spans a range of disciplines from international law, urban studies, architecture, policy strategy and design, history and theory of fashion, economics, anthropology, and environmental studies, on topics including: gender-based violence against women; labor economics; sustainable development; science communication, fashion and gender politics; reinassance studies; climate governance; decolonial theory; welfare and urban settlements; sustainable development and public engagement.
Maria Bergamo is an art historian specialized in medieval Christian art and iconography. She has a BA in Ca’ Foscari University, MA at Gregroriana University, Rome in sacred and christian art, a PhD in History of architecture at Iuav university, and three years of fellowship at Iuav University.
Her studies have extended to the architecture of the early Venetian Renaissance. Together with Monica Centanni, she founded the «Rivista di Engramma» and the Research Center ClassicA-Iuav. She has worked for the most important Museum institutions in Venice, the Department for the preservation of Cultural heritage, and the Office of the artistic ecclesiastical heritage of the Curia. She collaborated with the Archive of the Procuratoria of St Mark’s Basilica for two years.
Her most recent publication is Alessandro, il cavaliere, il doge. Le placchette profane della Pala d’oro di San Marco, l’Erma di Bretschneider, 2022.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Art and Architecture in Renaissance Venice | GP Course
Monica Centanni is Full Professor of Greek Language and Literature at Università Iuav di Venezia and at Università di Catania, teaching “Iconology and the Classical Tradition” and “Dramaturgy and the origins of Theatre”. She has a degree in Classical Literature and Specialization in Classical Philology (Università di Padova), and a PhD in Greek and Latin Philology (Università Urbino).
She is also Director of classicA, Iuav’s Centre for Research and Studies on Architecture and the Classical Tradition; Director of “La Rivista di Engramma”; Member of the Board of the International Association of Renaissance Studies “Artes Renascentes”; Italian representative of Arc-Net (European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama) and Italian member for the International network “Diazoma Association” (based in Athens, aiming to the revival of the ancient theater buildings, with Greece and Spain).
Research interests in Ancient Theatre (structures of Greek Tragedy; political functions of Greek Drama; revival of Classical Drama in the 20th century); Renaissance Art and Culture, and the dynamics of the Classical Tradition and its Afterlife in Western Art and Literature; a special focus on the methodology of Aby Warburg and Mnemosyne Atlas.
Among her books:
- Aby Warburg and Living Thought, Ronzani Editore, Dueville 2022
- Three Ladies, Three Medals (Cecilia Gonzaga, Isabella d’Este, Elisabetta Gonzaga), Peeters, Leuven 2023 (in print).
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Art and Architecture in Renaissance Venice | GP Course (also taught in Spring 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017)
Sara De Vido has a PhD in International Law (University of Padua) and is Associate Professor of international law at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy.
She is a member of the Academic Council at VIU and Delegate of the Rector for gender equality and for the Holocaust Remembrance Day, Ca’ Foscari University. She is also an affiliate to the Manchester international law Centre. She has been teaching at VIU since 2016, where she also started the Model European Union, a simulation of the activity of EU legislative bodies.
Her main interests of research are countering violence against women in international and European law, environmental law, rights of nature and ecocentric approaches to law.
Among her publications:
- Violence against women’s health in international law, Manchester University press, 2020
- A report for the European Commission on the criminalisation of violence against women in 31 European States, 2021
- Health, in Tipping Points in international law (J. Haskell and J. d’Aspremont eds), Cambridge University Press, 2021.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Global Governance for Peace and Security, Cooperation and Development | GP Course
2022 | Rights of Nature and Animal Rights: an Ecocentric Legal Approach | GP Course
2022 | Migration and Gender: a Legal and Literary Perspective | VIU Summer School
2022 | What is a People? Social, Political, and Legal Controversies | International PhD Academy
2021 | Globalization, Ethics, Welfare and Human Rights | GP Course
2020 | Global Governance for Peace and Security, Cooperation and Development | GP Course
2019 | Gender Studies | GP Course
Ekaterina Domorenok has a PhD in European and Comparative Policies (University of Siena), and is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies of the University of Padua.
She is the director of the MA Programme in EU policies, project-management and funding. Scientific Director of the Observatory on Sustainability, Equality and Justice (OSES-UNIPD). She was involved (as project leader or participant) in several research and cooperation projects concerning governance architectures and policy strategies in the EU.
Her research interests focus on policy design, implementation, learning and capacity-building in multi-level settings, with particular regard to EU policies for climate, regional and urban development, sustainability and eco-social transitions.
Most recent publications include:
- "Catching up with the European Union’s recovery and resilience agenda: green transition reforms in the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan”, 2022
- "Contemporary Italian Politics" (with B.Cotta), 2021
- "Engines of learning? Policy instruments, cities and climate governance”, Policy Sciences, 54(3), pp.507-528 (with A. Zito), 2021
- “Governing by Enabling in Multilevel Systems: Capacity Building and Local Climate Action in the European Union”. Journal of Common Market Studies, pp.1475-1494 (with A. Prontera), 2021
-“Experiments in EU climate governance: the unfulfilled potential of the Covenant of Mayors”, Global Environmental Politics, Vol. 20 (4), pp. 122-142 (with G.Acconcia, L.Bendlin, X.Ruis-Campillo), 2020.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Cities and Global Climate Governance | GP Course
Claudia Faraone is Post-doctoral Research Fellow at Università Iuav di Venezia where she is involved in the Interreg Project DIVA “Development of Innovation Eco-Systems and Value Chains: supporting cross-border innovation through creative industries” and member of the Citylab Research Cluster.
She has a MA in Architecture (Iuav); EMU–Joint European Postgraduate masters’ degree in Urbanism (KU Leuven, TU Delft, UPC Barcelona); European PhD in Urban Planning (Roma Tre). She is a founding member and coordinator of Venice local unit of ETICity – Exploring Territories, Imagining the City - urban researchers association; she is member of the research network Reseau LIEU (Logiques Identités Espaces Urbanités). She has been part of national and international research projects in Italy, Belgium and the UK.
Research outcomes have been publications, exhibitions, and audio-visual productions dealing with cultures of production and regeneration of urban space and its practices, specifically changing territories after great socio-economic transformations (Rome and Veneto region) and after natural disasters (Skopje and L’Aquila). Some have been exhibited at Venice Architecture Biennale (2014, 2018). She has extensive experience in teaching Urban Design and Planning at Iuav and Roma Tre University, organizing field trips and seminars, theoretical and methodological classes, carrying students along the creative process for architectural and urban inquiry and projects.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Inhabiting Urban Space and Sense of Place: the Heritage of 20th Century Neighborhoods in the Venice Metropolitan Area | GP Course
2022 & 2021 | Theories of Urban Space and Sense of Place in Global Change | GP Course
Sachiko Kuroda has a BA in Economics (Keio University), MA in International Economics (Aoyama-gakuin University), and Ph.D. in Business and Commerce (Keio University).
She is Professor at the Faculty of Education and Integrated Arts and Sciences, Waseda University. In the past, she covered the following positions: Associate Professor of the University of Tokyo, Associate Professor of Hitotsubashi University, and Economist at the Institute of Monetary and Economic Studies, the Bank of Japan.
Her areas of specialization are Labor Economics, Applied Microeconomics, and Health Economics.
Her recent publications include:
- “Why Do People Overwork at the Risk of Impairing Mental Health?” Journal of Happiness Studies, 2019 (co-authored)
- “Mental health effects of long work hours, night and weekend work, and short rest periods”, Social Science & Medicine, 246, 2020 (co-authored)
- “Working from home and productivity under the COVID-19 pandemic: Using survey data of four manufacturing firms” PLoS ONE, 16(12), 2021 (co-authored).
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Gender Studies from the Viewpoint of Labor Economics and Behavioral Science | GP Course
2023 | Comparing East and West. International Comparison of Labor Markets | GP Course
Anne-Maria Makhulu has BA (Columbia University), MA and PhD (University of Chicago) in socio-cultural Anthropology.
She is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology and African & African American Studies at Duke University with additional appointments in Gender, Sexuality, & Feminist Studies and Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Makhulu is also Research Associate in the School of Social Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. Has conducted research for over two decades in South Africa and is author of Making Freedom (Duke University Press 2015) about South Africa’s transition to democracy.
Makhulu is also co-editor of a collection entitled Hard Work, Hard Times (University of California Press 2010), which examines African migration, the global search for livelihood, and questions of cultural resilience. A second monograph in preparation, tentatively entitled South Africa After the Rainbow and supported by a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship, looks at the rise of new social movements in South Africa—#FeesMustFall and #RhodesMustFall among them—against the backdrop of the state’s “capture.” Makhulu has published articles in Cultural Anthropology, Anthropological Quarterly and PMLA, served as special issue guest editor for South Atlantic Quarterly and special theme section guest editor of Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.
Current course offerings include: the Black Radical Tradition, Decolonial Theory, Capitalism, African Climate Change
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Globalization, Ethics, Welfare and Human Rights. Racial Capitalism: from 1492 to the Movement for Black Lives | GP Course
2023 | African Cities | GP Course
2020 | A History of Credit: From Sixteenth Century Venice to Twenty-First Century New York City | GP Course
2020 | African Cities, Development and Climate Change | GP Course
Ilda Mannino is Scientific Coordinator of the Intensive Graduate Activities and of the TEN Program on Sustainability at VIU.
An Environmental Scientist, her current research interests focus on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Industrial Ecology, Science Communication and Public Engagement, Environmental Economy, Environmental Policy and Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
She is involved in research and education projects on these themes at an international level. Among these: SMACH: Sustainable Management of Cultural Heritage in the Balkans in Response to Climate Change; MUHAI: Human-Centri Artificial Intelligence; QUEST: Project on Quality Science Communication, within which she contributed to the development of the toolkit for scientists and recommendations for policy-makers.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Globalization, Environment and Sustainable Development | GP Course (every Spring since 2009)
2022 | Science Communication Today: Challenges and Opportunities in the SDGs Era | Graduate Seminar
2021 & 2022 | Science Communication and Sustainability | GP Course
Maria Chiara Tosi has BA and MA in Urbanism at Iuav University of Venice, and a PhD in Urbanism at La Sapienza University of Rome.
She is Full Professor in Urban Design at Iuav University of Venice where she is also the Director of the School of Doctorate Studies. She has been the scientific coordinator of the Interreg Project CREW (Coordinated Wetland management in Italy-Croatia cross border region), and partner in the Interreg project DIVA (Development of ecosystems and value chains of innovation: support cross-border innovation through Creative Industries), and in the H2020 project CITIES 2030 Co-creating resIlient and susTaInable food systEms towardS FOOD2030 also funded by the European Commission. She is Iuav representative in Venice International University Academic Council, has been Expert for the Panel “Science and Technology of Constructions and the Built Environment” at the Research Foundation Flanders FWO-Belgium, and currently responsible for the Double Degree in Architecture with the College of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University.
Her principal research interests focus on the study of the evolution of urban settlements and on the relationship between welfare policies and the city: on these topics she has undertaken various research projects. She is currently focusing on how the climate crisis affects both the physical and the socio-economic aspects of urban environments.
Selected list of more recent publication since 2010:
- Tosi M.C., Renzoni C., (2020) Donne, welfare e urbanistica : L'influenza di un approccio riformista e attento alla quotidianità sulla pratica urbanistica (transl. Women, Welfare and Urban Studies: the influence of a reformist approach that is attentive to daily urban life)
- Wang L., Tosi M.C., et al, (2018), Walkable Cities in High Density China, Tongji University Press, Shanghai.
- Grulois G., Tosi M.C., Crosas C., (eds) (2018) Designing Territorial Metabolism, Jovis, Berlin.
- Tosi M.C., Turvani M.E., Munarin S., (2017) “Public Realm as City Welfare & Citizens Wellbeing: the case of Cao Yang - Shanghai” Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, Volume 41(2): 101–109.
- Munarin S., Tosi M.C., (2014) Welfare Spaces. On the Role of Welfare State Policies in the Construction of the Contemporary City, Trento-Barcelona, LastLib.
- Tosi M.C. (2013) Toward an Atlas of European Delta Landscape, Trento-Barcelona, LastLib.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Inhabiting Urban Space and Sense of Place: the Heritage of 20th Century Neighborhoods in the Venice Metropolitan Area | GP Course
2022 & 2021 | Theories of Urban Space and Sense of Place in Global Change | GP Course
2022 | Cities and Water in a Time of Climate Change | International PhD Academy
Laura Ventruto has been teaching Italian at VIU since Fall 2021. She graduated from the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT) of Trieste with a degree in Conference Interpreting (English, French, and Italian).
She has 15 years of experience as a professional interpreter and translator in a wide variety of fields, such as law, technology, and cinema, and taught all levels of Italian at the Italian Cultural Institute of Los Angeles. Laura particularly enjoyed interpreting at cultural events, contributing to the spread of Italian culture in California. She is currently pursuing a Professional Master’s degree at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Italian for Foreigners | GP Course
Barbara Vinken has M.A. and Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (Yale), Dr. phil. (Konstanz), Dr. phil. habil. in Romance Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena).
She is Professor and Chair of Comparative and French Literature at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich since 2004. She previously taught at the Universities of Hanover and Jena, and was full professor at the universities of Hamburg and Zurich. She was Visiting Lecturer at HU and FU Berlin, EHESS Paris, NYU New York, Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore), University of Chicago, and the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.
Publications on: Fashion; Gender politics; Gustave Flaubert.
Author of Fashion Zeitgeist. Trends and Cycles in the Fashion System, Oxford/New York: Berg 2005.
Most recent publications:
- Ver-kleiden. Was wir tun, wenn wir uns anziehen, ed. Astrid Kury, Thomas Macho and Peter Strasser, Unruhe Bewahren, Vienna; Salzburg: Residenz Verlag 2022. 93 p.
- Civil War and the Collapse of the Social Bond. The Roman Tradition at the Heart of the Modern, with Michèle Lowrie, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2022. 360 p.
Teaching at VIU:
2023 | Fashion and Sustainability | GP Course
2023 | Venice and Global Change: The Icon of Antimodern Dystopia? Marinetti, Thomas Mann, Proust, Andrea Segre | GP Course
2014 | Fashion and Modernity | GP Course
2014 | The Stones of Venice and The Seven Lamps of Architecture: Ruskin, Marcel Proust, Henry James | GP Course