DISCO was presented at Urban Logistics Innovation Days in Brussels, at COMET Louise, on the 26th of September.

This event is organised as the final conference of the EU-funded LEAD project, in cooperation with ALICE-ETP and POLIS, bringing together other urban logistics innovative projects, to showcase innovative solutions. This will also include live demonstrations of the digital innovative solutions for Digital Twins and Urban Logistics planning developed by LEAD.

VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the DISCO project financed by the Horizon Europe Program.

DISCO is the acronym for: Data-driven, Integrated, Syncromodal, Collaborative and Optimized urban freight meta model for a new generation of urban logistics and planning with data sharing at European Living Lab.

DISCO develops a European urban freight data-space as data-sharing on digital urban logistics solutions, providing smart tools for decision making with replicable Use Cases that are built to code transformation of urban planning and land use by an open and collaborative data-space developing smart governance model.

For further information on DISCO please click here. 



eulogo This project is funded by Horizon Europe Program.
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