Wednesday, November 8, 2023
5 pm CET, Room 1E
Venice International University, San Servolo Island

David M. Schizer, Professor of Law and Economics and Dean Emeritus, Columbia University


The event will be held in dual mode.
Registration is required to attend the event online. 

Is bringing out the best in nonprofits to save the world still possible? 
This proposition, which constitutes a current challenge for governments, academics, philosophers, and corporation managers, challenges civil society and even the conscience of ordinary people to propose their own response, and also represents the global mission of nonprofits. Nonprofits need to do two challenging things really well: figure out the best way to advance their mission, and then build support for it.

Professor David M. Schizer is author of the book "How to Save the World in Six (Not So Easy) Steps - Bringing Out the Best in Nonprofits" and will discuss these twin goals can be accomplished with his “six Ps” strategy: Plan: (Run a rigorous planning process); Persevere (Line up internal support); Prioritize (Set priorities by asking three key questions); Pivot (Test innovations); Publicize (Share ideas and hold yourself accountable); Partner (Raise more money by involving donors in the work).

By chronicling the good, the bad, and the ugly at nonprofits and explaining how to get more out of them, he shows how we can “save the world” together.


schizer davidDavid M. Schizer is Harvey R. Miller Professor of Law and Economics at Columbia University.
He served as a dean of the Law School from 2004 to 2014 and is one of the USA's leading tax scholars. His research also focuses on nonprofits, energy law, and corporate governance, topics on which he has written several books and articles.

He is a founder and co-director of the Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy, a founder and co-chair of the Center for Israeli Legal Studies, and a founder and co-chair of the Charles Evans Gerber Transactional Studies Center.  From 2017 to 2019, Schizer served as executive vice president and CEO of a nonprofit international humanitarian organization based in the USA. 

Prof. Schizer's VIULecture is made possible also thanks to the support of the Ranieri Fund for Nonprofit Education at Columbia Law School.

Venice International University wishes to thank Prof. Schizer and the Ranieri Fund for the kind donation of copies of his book "How to Save the World in Six (Not So Easy) Steps" to the VIU library.


VIULectures is a series of public talks, organized by VIU to promote discussion and debate on topical issues of interest to the VIU community.