The COALESCE project is establishing a European Competence Center for Science Communication and an associated Science Communication Academy (task led by VIU), to consolidate science communication knowledge, resources and tools from a variety of sources.

These will be made available to science communication stakeholders across Europe in ways that are useful and replicable in different contexts.
If you want to contribute and co-create the Competence Center, please join the COPs-Community of Practice: researchers, science-communication professionals, journalists, policymakers, citizens, industry professionals – among other actors – are invited to be part of our community of practice, where you will have the opportunity to be engaged in mutual learning, co-creation activities, training and be part of building the future European Competence Centre for Science Communication.

The Competence Center will be a virtual space open to everyone. It will be a place where all kind of resources will be available as a trustful source of knowledge, tools, and resources to be used in case of emergencies by practitioners, policy makers, researchers and everyone in need of it!