Graduate Seminars at VIU are designed for Master's and PhD students, offering them an intensive program in a transnational context that spans various disciplines, languages, and cultures. Students receive support from professors in refining their research questions for their theses and incorporating interdisciplinary perspectives and reflections.

Each Graduate Seminar is developed and delivered through a collaboration of at least three member universities, guided by a scientific coordinator and supported by VIU's institutional and organizational resources. The programs are distinguished by their interdisciplinary approach.


In 2024, VIU held two Graduate Seminars: 

- Translation: Why Is It a Political Question? Perspectives In Philosophy and Translation Theory, February 2024

- Towards Geo-Data Science: Extracting Knowledge from Heterogeneous Geoenvironmental Data, May 2024

Data Science: Extracting Actionable Knowledge

The Graduate Seminar entitled "Towards Geo-Data Science: Extracting Knowledge from Heterogeneous Geoenvironmental Data," from May 20 to 24, 2024, emphasized the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientific research, encouraging collaboration between traditionally distinct disciplines. This interdisciplinary approach is increasingly vital as society confronts the challenges posed by anthropogenic pressures, including natural hazards, climate change, and the detrimental impacts on biodiversity, water and air quality, and human health. The seminar highlighted the necessity of developing novel techniques to extract valuable insights from diverse data sets, transforming this information into actionable knowledge.

Participants engaged in a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide a deep understanding of both the theoretical and practical aspects of Geo-Data Science. The program covered quantitative analysis of geoenvironmental data within the context of sustainability and environmental management, spanning both current and historical perspectives. The role of expert knowledge in applying geocomputational approaches was also a key focus.

The seminar welcomed 20 students from a diverse array of universities and research institutions. Among the represented institutions were Boston College, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, CNR (Italian National Research Council), Iuav University of Venice, Stellenbosch University, Università degli Studi di Padova, and University of Lausanne. This diverse group of participants brought a wealth of knowledge and perspectives, enriching the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature of the seminar.

Graduate Seminar Explores Political Dimensions of Translation

The seminar "Translation: Why Is It a Political Question? Perspectives In Philosophy and Translation Theory" provided an in-depth exploration of the political dimensions of translation, held from February 26 to March 1, 2024. Far from being merely a technical endeavor, translation encompasses aesthetic, epistemological, religious, and especially political dimensions. This seminar focused on understanding how translation acts as a bridge between languages and cultures and a tool for political projects and identity building.

Participants engaged in discussions on how translation processes contribute to multiculturalism, world literature, and global interactions, revealing the political character of assimilation, differentiation, and re-territorialization. By addressing these aspects, the seminar highlighted translation's role in both consolidating and questioning traditions and examined the role of translation as a vehicle for ideological messages and its impact on political dynamics.

Activities included talks and round-table debates, helping students understand the main theses of translation theory and develop logical-argumentative and historical competencies. Through reading sessions focused on crucial texts of translation theory, participants enhanced their analytical and hermeneutical skills. Workshops led by experienced translators allowed participants to compare different translation strategies and styles, fostering the development of their own methodologies.

Fifteen students who attended the seminar included master’s and PhD students as well as junior researchers, from diverse disciplinary backgrounds, including those studying philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, applied psychology, English and medieval studies, historical and geographic sciences, political science, literature, modern foreign languages, history, Afrikaans, and Dutch.

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The Call for Proposals for graduate activities is open with an extended deadline of October 15, 2024 for Graduate Seminars. 

In this category, the Academic Council invites applicants to consider incorporating innovative pedagogical approaches through blended (hybrid) solutions. Applicants may consider utilizing available technologies for preparatory work, group tasks, and team collaboration over an extended period before and/or after the intensive on-campus activity at VIU.