On September 30, 2024, VIU will host two important events, the «Prix Littéraire Marco Polo Venise» and a workshop in the framework of International Translation Day.


International Translation Day

9.30 am, Venice International University – San Servolo Island

Opening remarks
Umberto Vattani, President, Venice International University
Christine Bach, President, Prix Littéraire Marco Polo Venise

As witnesses to the importance of translation, we will celebrate, under the patronage of UNESCO, this day established by a United Nations Resolution in 2017. It pays tribute to the tireless efforts of translators and interpreters to promote dialogue, peace and mutual understanding between people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This day will help to praise translation, the language of languages, because translating creates reciprocity and encounters.


Prix Littéraire Marco Polo Venise - 8th edition

4.30 pm, Venice International University – San Servolo Island

Opening remarks
Umberto Vattani, President, Venice International University
Christine Bach, President, Prix Littéraire Marco Polo Venise

The «Prix Littéraire Marco Polo Venise» is awarded to an Italian writer and his French translator for an Italian novel translated into French. The prize contributes to the transfer of culture between France and Italy, to transmit and share values ​​and ideas and define a new intercultural relationship with our contemporary world.


The two events will be held in Italian and French.
VIU students and professors are invited to participate.


International Translation Day - download the program

Prix Littéraire Marco Polo Venise - download the program