VIU News

The midterm break is next week and all classes are suspended from April 1 to April 5.

VIU staff will remain operative but possibly with reduced open-office hours.

The PC Room, the MacLab and the Library will be accessible as usual.
The library will be closed all week.

N.B. For your safety, we please ask you to inform the Globalization Program office ( if you intend to travel during the break (in Italy or abroad) and fill out the "Emergency Contacts" form in your personal page.

Classes and co-curricular activities will resume on Monday, April 8 and will continue until May 24.
May 27-31 is exam week and on May 30 we will have the Closing Ceremony.

Lastly, on Sunday, March 31, Italy will switch from standard time to daylight saving time. Therefore, the hands of the clocks will have to be turned forward by one hour, from 2 am to 3 am.

Have a nice break!



For more information, please refer to the VIU Front Office or to the Globalization Program Office.


Find out more about next week's activities.


Tea2B: Spring celebration Easter egg hunt!
Monday, March 25, 4.30 pm
San Servolo cafè
Students and Professors are invited to Easter egg-ventures, in an Easter Eggs-travaganza event, eggsactly at 16:30 at the San Servolo Cafe. We shall go for an Egg hunt divided into egg teams and end with an eggversation on Spring Celebrations across the world.
More information and updates at this link.


Dragon Boat training session
Thursday, March 28, from 12.30 to 1.30 pm
The meeting point for all students enrolled in this activity is in front of the waterbus stop in San Servolo.
Further information is available at this link on the VIU website.


Boat trip to the Southern Venice Lagoon. Porto Marghera, Pellestrina, Mose Project
Friday, March 29, 9 am
This co-curricular activity is an integral part of the courses S2401 History of Venice; S2311 Climate Change - Disturbances in Earth's Energy Budget and their Consequences; S2417 Globalization, Environment and Sustainable Development; S2323 Natural and Cultural Resources Diplomacy and Human Rights; S2324 Multimodal Ecolinguistics: Verbal and Visual Framing of Ecological Discourse and is therefore strongly recommended and sponsored by VIU for the students enrolled. However, note that students must confirm their participation by signing up on the list by Wednesday, March 27, noon, at the Front Office.
Some places can be available to interested non-enrolled students and professors. For them the ticket fee is 10€, to be paid at the moment of registration.
More information at this link.


For more information, please refer to the VIU Front Office or to the Globalization Program Office.


Find out more about next week's activities.


Students interested in building on their capabilities and competencies in settings such as research centers, universities, cultural organizations and companies in Italy, will be interested in Internships in Italy.

Find out more about next week's activities.


Find out more about next week's activities.


Each semester scholarships are awarded to talented students to contribute to the cost of living in Venice for a semester, to promote excellence and diversity in the Globalization Program.

Find out more about next week's activities.


Find out more about next week's activities.


Find out more about next week's activities.


New Opening Hours
From Monday, October 23, 2023

Find out more about next week's activities.


Find out more about next week's activities.


Find out more about next week's activities.


Find out more about next week's activities.


Find out more about next week's activities.


September 19, 2023 | 9.00 am to 1.30 pm
Auditorium, Venice International University 

VIU students have the opportunity to participate in this conference. Registration is recommended.

The event is part of the 2023 Sustainability Biennial "The MOSE era", an international initiative that aims to make Venice a point of reference for strategies for adaptation to climate change. 

Visit page to consult program 

Globalization Program students attending the 1st semester of courses are advised that attendance at the conference will not be considered a justified absence in the courses. They may they may consider attending the meeting between classes.  

Find out more about next week's activities.



Isola di San Servolo
30133 Venice,

phone: +39 041 2719511
fax:+39 041 2719510

VAT: 02928970272