Live stream, October 1 2020, 1:30 - 7:30 pm
Hosted by Cultural Entrepreneurship Institute Berlin, in cooperation with Venice International University.
The aim of the second Conference Ethics and Digitalization - Live stream, 01.10.2020 is to disseminate information on how to use the potential of Artifcial Intelligence (AI) for the beneft of both humanity and the planet itself.
The narrative surrounding artificial intelligence, robotics, digitization and cybernetics has developed mainly from dystopian and dark visions of the future. Women and men in politics, business, research, the arts – in fact, anyone interested – needs to be informed about applying ethical, humanist principles and Europe’s democratic values to all digital processes so that the Internet, social media, AI, robotics and any other digital systems are placed in the service of people and not the other way round.
The regulation of tech giants and networked data protection that began a year ago in Europe must continue in a way that guarantees transparency and the right to privacy, reducing inequality and waste of resources while enhancing - gendered - innovation and sustainable growth. Many institutions, businesses and some parts of civil society are now also open to solutions in this direction.
The conference will be a platform for academics to explain their different approaches and for companies, foundations, projects and campaigns to present their ideas.
Attendance is free and available on ZOOM, prior registration at this link. The conference will also stream live on YouTube:
Download the conference program
Keynote: prof. Luciano Floridi, Oxford University
For further information please contact or visit https://www.cultural-
In line with VIU's mission and commitment to promote Sustainable Development and the 17 Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, this event addresses the following:

This event is part of the Sustainable Development Festival 2020 promoted by ASviS