Monday, May 27, 2024, 6 pm
European Cultural Centre, Strada Nova, 4391, Venice

The Global Campus of Human Rights is pleased to invite any interested VIU students to a private film screening on Monday, 27 June.

Of Caravan and the Dogs is award-winning documentarian Askold Kurov’s newest film about Putin’s repressive regime in Russia. Mr. Kurov also is a Fellow in our Reconceptualising Exile Programme and working with Avant-Garde Lawyers, founded by Global Campus Europe alumna Andra Matei.

The screening will be held at the beautiful Palazzo Michiel of the European Cultural Centre, located at Strada Nova, 4391 (near Campo Santi Apostoli) from 18:00-20:00. The film is roughly 90 minutes and will be followed by a discussion with Mr. Kurov and Ms. Matei and a Q&A session.

Interested students can register at the following link, space is limited.