Workshop - Call for Papers
18 May 2019
University of Rome Tor Vergata
Just before the EU elections, this one-day workshop aims at defining the spectrum of prospects that Europe is facing in one of its most severe crises. By promoting an interdisciplinary approach, it will be considered to what extent the EU constitutional architecture is under siege due to a variety of factors such as economic powers, immigration flows, populisms, separatist movements etc. Analyses will discuss the issue of 'deconstitutionalization' and 'fragmentation' of the EU architecture with a particular attention to sovereign involutions and loss of unity of community policies. Consideration will be devoted to the constitutional effects of governance mechanisms such as the Six Pack, the Treaty of the Fiscal Compact and the Treaty of the European Stability Mechanism (MES).
Keynote Speakers
- Prof. R.Bellamy, Director Max Weber Programme, EUI, Florence
- Prof. D.Pieters, KU Leuven, Belgium, Honorary President of the Belgian Senate
Chair and Organizer
-Prof. Claudio Corradetti, University of Rome Tor Vergata
Some of the leading questions are the following:
_Has the constitutional architecture of the EU been affected by capitalist transformations?
_Have EU mechanisms of governance changed?
_Is the EU democratic governance under siege?
_What transformative effects have occurred on national policies?
Selected papers will be proposed for publication to the newly established journal ‘Jus Cogens. A Critical Journal of Legal Philosophy and Politics’, Springer.
If interested send a short bio and an abstract of max 1000 words to before 1 April.
Shortlisted applicants will be notified by 15 April.
Registration is free but mandatory (also for attendance only).