June 6-10, 2022
Online program
University of Exeter’s online Planetary Health Grand Challenge programme will run from 6-10 June 2022.
The Planetary Health challenge asks students to consider what on earth have we done and how do we can put things right. This interdisciplinary challenge is linked to a number of the UN Sustainable Development goals such as climate action, responsible consumption and production and good health and wellbeing.
Interested students are encouraged to find out more by watching this promotional video and podcast.
In 2022 (or in the first year of attendance) there will be no participation fee (in subsequent years a fee of approx. £300 is charged for this online challenge). Students will receive a certificate of completion.
Students must register their interest by completing this online form by Sunday 13 March.
_Students will be required to attend the full week of sessions which typically take place 9am-5pm UK time.
_There will be online training sessions between 23rd May - 1st June to help students prepare for the programme.
_Due to limited places for students from our partner institutions, the places will be prioritised on a first-serve basis until the application closes on Sunday 13 March.
_Students will be contacted with the outcome and additional details after the closing date.