from Great Britain and Japan

Theo and Hirofumi were in the VIU Globalization Program for one year. They became close friends during their time here, so we decided to interview them together. They share their experience about the academics and about the life in Venice in two interviews.

“I wanted to experience diversity, here everyone comes from different countries, and they have different experiences, different ideas, and cultural backgrounds. A lot of things to learn from them. I also had a lot of opportunities to get out of my comfort zone, try and learn new things.”

“The ability to do all these courses with different themes, it is always orienting around the professor’s interest so it is very specific and done passionately. Also the small size of the university helps, (…) you know the professors and all students on a first-name basis. You are part of a student community.”

“I feel a strong network of students and professors, not only on the campus, but also off the campus, we have a lot of co-curricular activities.”

Theo argued that: “Being in small classes you feel that you are learning more and in a better way. If you have a problem you can ask a question.” Hirofumi agrees with him adding that: “I found myself way more engaged in my courses.”

“I think VIU gives you the skills to do more adventurous things later in life, because you are not only learning a new language, but you’re also meeting people from all over the world and you’re learning to find common ground.”

Find out more about Theo and Hirofumi’s VIU experience and tips for your trip to Venice: one video about their academic experience, another about VIU life and their Venetian experience.