The QUEST project has recently released its toolkits: new resources to support communication about science.

The toolkits were developed to fill in a gap that was identified in the European science communication landscape; the analysis showed that science communicators would benefit from additional resources that support the development of their skill sets.

Following the project's methodological strategy, scientists, journalists, museum facilitators and social media content managers were engaged in a co-design process. Through interviews, workshops, focus groups and surveys, and building quality indicators for science communication, science communication professionals across Europe helped identify their specific challenges and opportunities for skills development. 

Toolkit for scientists
The toolkit for scientists was developed to help scientists overcome the challenges they face when communicating their research and science in general to the wider public. In particular, QUEST engaged both scientists and professional trainers in science communication to develop tips that help scientists communicate their research effectively.

Toolkit for journalists
The toolkit for journalists was devised to help journalists report on complex scientific issues in a way the public can understand and trust. This element of QUEST’s output also recognizes that the task of scrutinizing research findings requires journalists reporting on science topics to develop a richer skillset and an informed and critical mindset.

Toolkit for museums and galleries
Resources were created for museums and galleries to help address critical challenges facing cultural environments as they seek to engage disparate and diverse audiences with science and art. These challenges stem from the uncertainty caused by the global pandemic and addressing the issues of inclusivity facing museums is a matter of social justice.

Toolkit for social media
Based on our research about science communication on social media in Europe, we created materials aiming to help social media managers, scientists and journalists engage with their public in such a crucial, even if virtual, space.

Explore the QUEST toolkits here!

For inquiries:

– QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication – is a two-year Horizon 2020 project coordinated by VIU's Program on Sustainability | TEN.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020

research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824634