
Ksenija Vidmar Horvat (Univerza v Ljubljani)


From 13:30
to 15:00
From 13:30
to 15:00

Course description
This course looks into the transformation of the concept of national identity and heritage in light of globalization and transnationalization of modern national communities. The first part of the course will focus on different theoretical approaches to identity in modern sociological accounts (Bauman, Beck, Giddens), cultural studies (Hall) and postcolonial theory (Bhabha, Appadurai, Spivak). Next, students will get familiarized with the relationship between identity and national/cultural heritage. Again, this will be illuminated in a historical comparative perspective from the nation formation processes in the 19th century to the “post-national” turn at the end of the 20th century. Finally, the course will look into the contemporary global marketing of heritage and tradition, asking how this development has affected the visions of national cultures and cultural identities, taking as example various cases of nation-branding across the globe.

Course requirements
The course grade consists of three activities:
-Attendance and participation of in-class discussion, based on weekly readings (10%)
-3 written essays (3-5 pages), based on the reading of choice (the list provided in class) (30%)
-Oral ppt presentation of the individual seminar project (20%)
-Final paper (up to 15 pages) (40%)

Learning Outcomes
- Develop historical sensitivity for the politics of national identity and “invention of traditions”
- Deepen interdisciplinary and transhistorical insights into formation of collective identities in different stages of modernity
- Understand the shift from ethnicization to marketization of national identity
- Acquire critical tools to study traditions and heritage in a global perspective
- Develop skills to explore heritage industry and analyse nation branding strategies

Appadurai, Arjun. “Putting Hierarchy in Its Place,” Cultural Anthropology, no. 3 (1988): 36–49.
Balibar, Etienne. “The Nation Form: History and Ideology,” in G. Eley and R. G. Suny (eds) Becoming National. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996: 132–149.
Bhabha, Homi K. Nation and Narration, London in New York: Routledge, 1993.
Bauman, Zygmunt (1996) »From Pilgrim to Tourist – or a Short History of Identity«, v S. Hall in P. du Gay (ur) Questions of Cultural Identity, London: Sage: 18–36.
Cánepa, Gisela. “Nation-Branding: TheRe-Foundation of Community, Citizenship and
State in the Context of neoliberalism in Peru,” Medien Journal, 37/3 (2013).
Gupta, Akhil and Ferguson, James. “Beyond ‘Culture’: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference,” Cultural Anthropology, 7/1 (1992): 6-23.
Malki, Liisa. “National Geographic: The Rooting of People and the Territorialization of National Identity among Scholars and Refuggees,” inv Eley, Geoff and Suny, Ronald G. (eds.) Becoming National, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, 434-453.
Hall, Stuart in du Gay, Paul (ur) (1996) Questions of Cultural Identity, London: Sage.
Smith, Anthony D. ”The Origins of Nations,” in Eley, Geoff and Suny, Ronald G. (eds), Becoming National, New York: Oxford University Press, 1996, 106-130.
Volčič, Zala and Andrejević, Mark. Commercial Nationalism: Selling the Nation and Nationalizing the Sell. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

Week 1
22.2.2021: National identity I. (via zoom)
24..2.2021: National identity II (via zoom)
Week 2
1.3. 2021: Nationalism, homeland, geography I (via zoom)
3.3.2021: Nationalism, homeland, geography II (via zoom)
Week 3
8.3. 2021: Culture and identity I (via zoom)
10.3. 2021: Culture and identity II (via zoom)
Week 4
15. 3. 2021: Heritage, roots, ethnography (via zoom)
17.3. 2021: Ethnographic Museum (via zoom)
Week 5
22.3. 2021: Marketing the nation I (via zoom/in class)
24.3. 2021: Marketing the nation II (via zoom)
Week 6
29.3. 2021: Memory and identity (via zoom/in class)
31.3. 2021: Postsocialist heritage construction (via zoom)
Midterm Break 5-9.4.2021
Week 7
12.4. 2021 EU, the heritage and cultural identity (in class)
14.4. 2021 Multiculturalism and cultural heritage (in class)
Week 8
19. 4. 2021 Discourses of the past (in class)
21. 4. 2021: Nation-branding (in class)
Week 9
26.4.2021: Heritage industry (in class)
28.4.2021: Resistance and alternative memory (in class)
Week 10
3. 5. 2021: Postcolonial theory I (in class)
5.5.2021: Postcolonial theory II (in class)
Week 11
10. 5. 2021: Heritage and violence (in class)
12.5. 2021: Heritage and citizenship (in class)
Week 12
17.5. 2021 Case studies discussion (in class)
19.5. 2021: Summary and closing debate (in class)


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