Bachelor degree in Governance and International Relations, Tor Vergata University of Rome

I decided to study at VIU because I was looking for an experience that would have made me improve my English and made me meet people from all over the world. Moreover, I was very interested in experiencing ways of teaching different from the one adopted by my home university.

Thanks to VIU and the Erasmus + Program, I could study for one semester at Tel Aviv University. I enjoyed every second of my experience in Israel because it allowed me to focus on Middle Eastern studies, live in a city that is perfect for students, and meet friends for life. Moreover, while I was in Tel Aviv, thanks to a very exciting environment, I could think about who I want to become in the future and how can I reach my goals.

The episode that remained particularly impressed in my mind is the one related to the first acqua alta in Venice. It was November, I was studying for the final exams when I realized half of Venice was underwater. So, together with some friends, I went to Piazza San Marco to see what was happening. It has been a very amazing experience because it is very unusual to see a city in those conditions.

The experience I achieved while I studied at VIU has been essential for my University career because it helped to improve my English skills. Before studying at VIU, I used to talk English but not in a fluent way and my writing skills were very poor. Then, after a few weeks of studying with amazing professors from all over the world, I realized that I was improving quickly and by the end of the semester I was very happy about the results I achieved.

I suggest to apply for a semester at VIU to all the students who are willing to enrich their studies with international experiences. Studying at VIU does not mean only studying in a wonderful city, but it means also diving into an atmosphere where cultures from all over the world mix.


Ariela Di Gioacchino received an Erasmus+ to support her studies for a semester at Tel Aviv University as part of the 2019-1-IT02-KA107-062057 Erasmus+ project. 

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