Projects Archive

Veneto Innovazione appointed TeDIS to give advice to project governance actions in support of the access points and to provide a review report on the project activities.
The project aimed to create, in collaboration with the Municipalities of Veneto Region, public spaces addressed to citizens helping them to access the internet services provided by the Public Administration.

IFIS bank appointed TeDIS to implement a communication plan on digital workshops in order to show how traditional Italian companies of Made in Italy has had the capacity to transform theirselves in companies confronting the global economic challenges thanks to the new technologies of the digital manufacturing.

The Dissemination of tools for digital manufacturing has triggered an industrial revolution that can transform the production processes and the rules of the division of labor.
The changes taking place are a challenge for Europe and for Italy in particular.
The impact of new technologies on the manufacturing system depends on the way in which small and medium enterprises will take the potential of this new instrument.

Fondazione Make in Italy appointed TeDIS to carry on parts of its research on:

VIU_ TeDIS was partner in several projects offering advanced training programs financed by the Veneto Region under the FESR POR 2007/2013 .
The training program was addressed to innovative companies located in the Veneto Region that had an interest in enhancing the expertise of their employees by offering them qualified training related to their work. 

The following are the companies and the training offered:
- Renè Caovilla Ltd: Training on management control for shoe company
- Colorificio San Marco: From an international company to an internationalized company
- Calzaturificio Scarpa: Effective communication for a specific brand management 




Engineering Informatica appointed VIU_TeDIS to analyze and develop innovative service models to be implemented in Veneto Region such as:

The Maker Faire Rome is a showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness of the "Makers Movement".
TeDIS has been appointed by Innovacamera (Chamber of Commerce of Rome) to carry on dissemination and supporting activities within the framework of the Maker Faire 2016, 2015 and 2014, that were held in Rome annually in October.

Food, energy, water security and agricultural development are currently high on the agenda of international development agencies and national governments. With a growing world population, increasing demand for food and (renewable) energy, and competition for land and water, international land acquisitions have increased substantially within the last years and all over the world. The Worldwatch Institute estimated that 70 million hectares of land have been sold or rented to private parties, in the last 10 years, with a peak in 2009. These acquisitions involve land use changes to commercial uses and are pursued by private and public investors with different aims, the most relevant of which are food production, agrofuels production, forestry, tourism, conservation, renewable energy production.

The Artisans Federation of Entrepreneurs of Vicenza (FAIV) appointed TeDIS to design and implement a series of Workshops and Labs addressed to young designers coming from the main European Design Schools to promote the linkages between local artisans and contemporary designers in order to develop an innovative approach to the artisan world.

The project "Towards a "Green Economy"" was developed in 2014 in cooperation with Enel Foundation and the Regional Environmental Center (REC). It aimed at critically review the concepts of green economy and green growth, particularly considering the energy-environment challenge, at a global level and also looking at local implications. At the same time, it tried to assess whether the world is ready to deal with a new green technological and social revolution, and which are the main strategic, political, financial and behavioral issues involved.

The ICrome project was cofinanced by The Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
Venice International University was one of the receiving institutions of the ICroME project.that included 22 sending partners form Croatia and 12 receiving partners in Italy.

The project provided participants, young employees and unemployed people, with knowledge and specific competences in IRMO and offered mobility for working experience in Italy in the field of European project planning and management.  The funds covered the participants’ travel and living costs in the course of training placement, as well as the cost of preparation activities and the management of the project.

Sustainable Freight transport – now and tomorrow was co-financed by the Alpine Space Program under the 5th Call for Proposals. SusFreight aimed at addressing the environmental problems related to transports through the natural bottleneck represented by the economically dynamic regions composing the Alpine Space and aimed to identify and capitalise the results of the project developed within the Alpine Space Programme on sustainable freight transport  in order to provide policies for the next programme.


VeroTour: Venetian routes: Enhancing a shared European multi-cultural sustainable tourism was a project co-financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry.
The project aimed to enhance and implement a trans-national thematic cultural route following the extraordinary and complex system of maritime routes, settlements, defensives fortifications and cultural heritage left by the Venetians under the rule of the Republic of Venetia since 1300 and throughout almost five centuries. 

Basing on a well-developed network of stakeholders and cooperation between the public_private partners of the consortium, the project aimed to contribute to the diversification of trans-national thematic tourism offer in Europe, by capitalizing on common cultural heritage on European level and by making of sustainability an essential element for being more competitive.


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