Research News

  • Open Solutions for SMEs

    The “Java Open Business” (JOB) was an innovative Italian project developed by SUN Microsystems Italy in cooperation with TeDIS Center. JOB aimed at increasing the knowledge and the diffusion of open source software among

  • The project received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration" and aimed to create the necessary concepts, technological solutions and business models to establish the most advanced information services

  • Information Society strategy development for Veneto Region (2008/2010)
    TeDIS supported Veneto Region in promoting and disseminating its activities and verifying the status of the art of the Veneto Region operative plan.

  • The project was cofinanced by the Interreg IV Italy Austria – Objective European territorial cooperation 2007 - 2013.

    Main objective:  Guarantee the accessibility and reach the green goals

    - improvement of the informatics infrastructure of the traffic

  • ARPAV appointed VIU_TeDIS as scientific and academic partner to support its strategies of the development of the Information System according to the so-called Guidelines “Linee Guida dalla Società dell’Informazione 2007-2010”.

    A strategic plan was



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